A new way of writing a messenger bot in HTML! using BKit framework - Part 1

Mohammed Al Ashaal
1 min readFeb 23, 2018


Sometimes at robusta we want to create some data bots for our clients, all data bots have the same structure but with different text, so why we "Backend Developers" have to repeate all of this each time, or why don't anyone with a basic web background do it!.

After some thoughts, and with the trending framework "React Native" which allows you to build native mobile apps using web technologies, I asked myself a question "Why Not?", so I ended up choosing HTML as a language for that purpose.

So I started building the parser that will take a basic HTML file as an input and then translate each of specified tags to Messenger Components.

That tool we named it as Bkit "Bots Kit" and written in Golang, we are planning to support it on the long term as well as adding more platforms to it i.e "slack, ... etc".

For now there are binaries for linux/amd64, linux/arm64, windows/amd64 and mac(darwin/amd64).

You can view the repo here, there will be more tutorials for it.



Mohammed Al Ashaal

A problem solver, who doesn’t learn tools, but just learn concepts.