The Real Problem with Plastic

Ashar Jamal
2 min readMar 11, 2020


So, it’s launch time and I was a little hungry. I decided to buy some food for myself through the canteen. I ordered a juice, a biscuit, and biryani. What I realized is that I had unintentionally ordered a bunch of plastic waste as well.

We have gotten addicted to Plastic

Whether you buy groceries, snacks, paper, pen, fruits, utensils. It will be nicely packed with plastic, made of plastic and carried by you in plastic shopping bags.

Everything is made of plastic

It only adds more to pollution

Plastic remains in the environment for at least a hundred years before disintegrating into microplastic. It never degrades fully and remains in our environment. Our environment is so much infested with plastic that now even our air, water and food has microplastic particles in them.

Photo by Marc Newberry on Unsplash

So like you, I taught why don’t we recycle plastic. Well as I research and explored it is not simple and still the plastic remains as intact as ever

Recycling is a scam, and Plastic remains forever

Well, you read that right plastic can’t be actually recycled fully. What I mean by that, a recycling a plastic bottle won’t produce a plastic bottle, it can not only produce similar less valuable. Recycling plastic is an expansive solution to fighting the problem and that is the reason it’s not so common.

Plastic even if Recycled only produce less valuable products and which ultimately ends up in our environment.

Biodegradable Plastic is as biodegradable

Even the most loved sensation among plastic haters, the biodegradables isn’t as promising as it sounds. Most of the biodegradable plastic has been found to either extremely slow to degrade or not degrade at all. Even the ones degrading follow the same pattern of disintegrating into smaller parts.

for more info about biodegradable plastic see this video


My aim to solve this problem is to spread awareness about changing our attitude towards our extensive plastic usage.

  • Time to fight against plastic pollution is running out. The solution is to change our ways.

