Growth hackers marketing

Alaa Al-telawy
2 min readJul 22, 2017


When we start talking about growthhacking we should know that there is two way of thinking to define growthhacking.

The first one says that growthhacking is how to use all those channels of digital marketing with the most effective way in order to reach the maximum amount of potential customers.

And here you can learn all about tools of digital marketing and how to use them professionally. And that’s it !

But The second one which is in my opinion considered as the most dangerous one if it applied professionally.

It says that growthhacking is all about the mindset, and how can you generate explosive ideas that would market itself without launching huge campaigns with high costs. And how could you launch your product without having billions or millions of dollars but starting with the minimum viable product ´MVP´ and improving your product based on feedback.

This mindset will help you reach your PMF “product market fit” easily and quickly in order to go viral with your ideas.

This mindset will let you reach the maximum amount of potential customers with low-cost in addition to the short Time and low effort we must spend on marketing our product.

This mindset set is focusing on how can I spend my time and effort in improving my product to be worth for marketing instead of launching huge campaigns to market whats product I have.

That’s why I considered it the most dangerous.

So, as a conclusion, if I could improve my mindset to think as a growthhackers and also use all channels and tools in the most effective way to market my product.

I think absolutely, I will build an awesome and profitable product that will hit all markets.

Alaa al telawy

Co-founder @ Remoters

Follow on Twitter Alaa& Remoters



Alaa Al-telawy

Co-founder and Head of Marketing @Remotersio, SEO Specialist, Growth Hackers Marketer, Digital Marketing, Social Media.