Durian Bawor: A Local Fruit with a Unique and Decadent Taste

Albar Rahman
7 min readJan 11, 2024


Albar & Anna Dok.

On a hot afternoon after class, I thought about my girlfriend who was craving for Bawor durian with a unique taste, which Javanese people call “manis legit”. In the heat of the afternoon, I decided to go durian hunting along the road to campus.

In the evening, I enjoyed sweet durian mixed with a unique taste. Not only sweet and legit, but this time it was mixed with sweetness and the release of natural alcohol from the durian added with a thin touch of bitterness that made the tongue hit.

This is the journey of enjoying local fruits. Durian Bawor is one of the types of durian that comes from the Banyumas area, Central Java. This durian has a unique characteristic, namely its large size, thick fruit, and fragrant aroma.

In the afternoon and the durian is split in two

That afternoon I bought durian with a weight of 2 kilograms. As for the price, you can guess for yourself. Because of the temptation of buyers who are able to negotiate prices, I finally got a free bonus of one local durian from Wonosobo.

And that day we enjoyed the sweetness of two durian at once, one Bawor and the other a free purchase of 2 kilograms of Bawor. This time it is called a child’s fortune hehehe.

The afternoon greeted the evening, and I arrived home from campus. Her eyes sparkled with joy welcoming the long-awaited Bawor. A fondness and admiration for this local durian made her curious to taste it.

That afternoon the durian was split in two, our tongues danced and our heads shook. She said, “It’s so good, the alcohol, the sweetness, and the sweetness are all together.” We will explain further about its unique taste.

The deliciousness of Durian Bawor

Durian Bawor is one of the types of durian that comes from the Banyumas area, Central Java. This durian has a unique characteristic, namely its large size, thick fruit, and fragrant aroma.

Durian Bawor has a sweet and legit taste, blended with sweetness and the release of natural alcohol from the durian added with a thin touch of bitterness that makes the tongue hit. This is the characteristic flavor of durian Bawor.

Durian Bawor also has several advantages over other durian varieties. This durian is large in size, resistant to pests and diseases, and has a distinctive and strong aroma.

Alcohol as a companion to sweet and legit

Bawor has several advantages over other durian varieties. This durian has a sweet and legit taste, large size, and is resistant to pests and diseases. In addition, this durian also has a distinctive and strong aroma.

Its unique and delicious taste, thick and legit flesh, small and thin seeds, can be harvested 3 times a year

Legit bitter because it contains enough natural alcohol and the taste is thick. Durian lovers will feel how this durian has a different characteristic.

When we mention that since the 80s until the 90s, Bawor durian has been experimented with and peaked in the 2000s, this local fruit has reached its peak of popularity until now. This means that the enjoyment of Bawor does not need to be doubted.

The unique taste of Durian Bawor

In addition to having a distinctive sweet and legit taste, durian Bawor also has a sufficient amount of natural alcohol. This natural alcohol comes from the fermentation process of sugar that occurs inside the durian fruit. This natural alcohol content is what makes durian Bawor have a unique and different taste from other durians.

The content of natural alcohol in durian Bawor can reach 0.3%-0.6%. This content of alcohol is not harmful to health, and can even be beneficial to the body. Natural alcohol in durian Bawor can help boost the immune system, improve digestion, and reduce stress.

The content of natural alcohol in durian Bawor can provide a different sensation when eaten. The sweet and legit taste of the durian fruit will be combined with a slightly bitter taste. This bitter taste comes from the phenolic compounds found in durian.

The unique taste of durian Bawor is a unique attraction for durian lovers. Its unique and different taste makes durian Bawor one of the favorite durians in Indonesia.

When Local Fruits Are Forgotten

One of the factors that causes local fruits to be forgotten is the lack of socialization about the benefits of local fruits. People are not fully aware of the nutritional content and benefits of local fruits. As a result, local fruits are considered less attractive and do not have high nutritional value.

We must admit together that many local fruits lose to imported fruits, or fruits produced by other superior countries. Why are we always losing? One of the main factors is the lack of consistency in maintaining volume, or the amount of production, in other words, it is not stable and productive. For example, it is difficult to find Bawor durian because it is rare and not developed to be stable in fruiting in order to give more competitive power as a wealth.

There are many local fruits that are forgotten, not only durian. One of the forgotten ones from our sight is the luxury of Bawor durian. I and my girlfriend saw this as a wealth and wondered why it was not raised as popular as other famous durian, at least as famous as Musangking and Montong.

In the end, all parties should take a role in introducing and even promoting local fruits. The government should also take a real role in highlighting the uniqueness of local fruits with real policies and programs.

We hope that in this new year, one of the many of our riches will go global, the Bawor that my girlfriend and I enjoyed this afternoon may become more global. Aamiin.

Origin of Bawor Durian

This story starts from a story in the village of Alas Malang, Banyumas Regency, a primary school teacher named Sarno Ahmad Darsono. Since the 1980s, he has been interested in cross-breeding various types of durian. Up to 10 varieties of durian plants were crossed by this local farmer and elementary school teacher.

As a farmer, he crossed several types of durian, including montong, musangking, kuning mas, and 7 other local durian varieties. This cross-breeding of various durian was successfully discovered in the 1990s. Because it is diverse, Bawor has the original name of “Bhineka Bawor” inspired by Bhineka Tunggal Ika which is philosophically diverse but one and it is poured through the world of agrarian specifically in the process of cross-breeding in durian where bawor is produced.

In addition, the name Bawor itself is taken from the word “diowor-owor” which means mixed. Because the root trunk is branched and is a blend of several varieties. There are trees with 3 root trunks, and there are also trees with 4 root trunks.

Bawor, which originates from Central Java, is popular not only in Java but also in various regions in Indonesia. Even Bawor itself has shown its prowess for foreign countries and is increasingly global with its delicious taste.

Interesting facts about Bawor Durian

Here are some interesting facts about Bawor Durian:

  • Bawor durian has the original name “Bhineka Bawor” which is inspired by Bhineka Tunggal Ika. This name has the meaning that Bawor durian is a blend of various durian varieties.
  • Bawor durian has already been noticed by foreign countries as a local Indonesian fruit that is exported abroad. Some countries that have noticed the deliciousness of Bawor durian are Malaysia, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia.
  • Bawor durian can grow well in areas with an altitude of 500–1,000 meters above sea level. Bawor durian can bear fruit at the age of 3–5 years, and can be harvested three times a year.

Bawor durian is one of Indonesia’s natural wealth that deserves to be preserved. With the right efforts, Bawor Durian can become one of the local fruits that go global and bring profits to the Indonesian people.

Potential for the Development of Bawor Durian

Bawor durian has great potential to be developed in the future. This durian can be developed as one of the export commodities, and can also be developed as processed products.

To develop Bawor durian as an export commodity, efforts need to be made to improve the productivity and quality of Bawor durian. This can be done by:

  • Improving farmers’ knowledge about good Bawor durian cultivation techniques.
  • Providing high-quality Bawor durian seedlings.
  • Providing agricultural facilities and infrastructure to farmers.

To develop Bawor durian as a processed product, research and development needs to be carried out to create innovative Bawor durian processed products that have added value.

Bawor: One of the Favorite Durians

The richness of local fruits is often forgotten due to the lack of involvement of all parties in promoting and introducing the uniqueness of these fruits. This is also the case with Bawor durian, which has its unique taste and flavor. It is important for the government, the community, and business actors to work together to raise the importance of local fruits, such as Bawor durian.

Interestingly, Bawor has already been noticed by foreign countries as an Indonesian local fruit that is exported abroad. Among the countries that have noticed the deliciousness of Bawor durian are Malaysia, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia.

Another interesting information is that Bawor durian can thrive in areas with an altitude of 500–1,000 meters above sea level. Bawor durian can bear fruit at the age of 3–5 years, and can be harvested three times a year.

When enjoying Bawor durian, I have my own list to admit that this pride of local fruit is my and my partner’s personal favorite fruit. We agreed that this is the “most delicious” fruit because we were impressed with its taste. We tried it for the first time and set it as the most delicious local fruit we have ever tasted. Of course, this all comes down to personal preference. Readers must have their own favorite local durian.

Therefore, it is hoped that Bawor durian will not only be known locally but also get a proper place in the international arena as one of Indonesia’s leading fruits. Hopefully, the sustainability of these efforts can preserve the diversity and richness of local fruits, including Bawor durian, for the enjoyment of future generations. Enjoy Bawor durian, a local fruit that is not only tempting but also hits the tongue texture!

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