Quick Guide to Giving your Kitchen a Natural Look

Albert Carter
5 min readMay 11, 2019


The kitchen is the heart of the home. And for this particular reason, you should pay attention to all the details about it. Thinking about renovating it isn’t enough; you need to put in the work and resources to make your kitchen the dream kitchen.

Pedini kitchen is known for blending simplicity and sophistication when it comes to making or renovating your kitchen. A large number of people are going for that natural look in their kitchen which is why it has become a modern trend. Although it seems like a simple task to make these changes in your kitchen, it isn’t that simple. This is why you need a team of professionals to aid with the addition of the natural look and several tips that will come through for you during this period.

Use Bright Kitchen Colors

When you aim for your kitchen to have a natural look, a big chunk of this solely depends on the colors you go for. This means that you have to be very specific with the colors you choose for the kitchen.

Your kitchen cabinets Miami are made by the finest, and hence they should be able to stand out. Even though you want your kitchen to be as natural as possible, a mix of two colors or more will make it lively, welcoming and well, natural. White is considered the perfect color on this occasion. This is one suggestion that you might use, but you are advised to check with the company that’s doing the renovation for you to get a professional and more personal opinion.

Use Marbles

The best part about making changes in anything is that you get to try out new things. In this case, you will be trying out marbles in your kitchen. Marble has been used for years, which makes it a reliable yet stunning accessory for your kitchen countertops. Not only would you have a modern Italian kitchen vibe but also a natural look that you’ve wanted for so long.

Marble is a great accessory for the kitchen countertop because it looks perfect, especially when it’s in the middle of the kitchen, but that’s not all; it is also waterproof and easy to clean. The fact that the material remains as it is for years makes it a better choice compared to most. And of course, it is as natural as they come.


What says natural more than good lighting in any room of the house? Nothing! Due to this reason, you will find that lighting becomes an essential part of your design.

It is a double blessing when you can achieve the natural look for your kitchen while still having an Italian kitchen in Miami. You can consult whether to have one, two or three windows in the kitchen since they are the main source of light and a few other details that will put your kitchen in the exact position you want it.


What would anyone make of this list if plants were never mentioned? Don’t even say it. Plants are the most practical representation of what natural means. Yes, you have a contemporary kitchen, but adding the right type of plants will elevate it to a more natural look and simple so to speak.

Your kitchen storage cabinets are supposed to have certain details to them that catch the eye before anything else. This is the same case with your plants; they should be low-key attractive and striking every time someone gets in your kitchen. This little detail will give that space exactly the type of look you want.

Certain plants are perfect in this instance, such as aloe vera, cactus, ferns, plants with strong natural scents and many more. It never hurts to make consultations from one or two florists since it will help you gather the right information before you proceed to have your kitchen look like a bush. Adding something as delicate as plants to your house, especially the kitchen should be done with utmost care and certainty.

Countercheck the Details

There are certain details in the kitchen that might not fit the natural look when done wrong. If you have said your kitchen cabinets storage units should look a certain way, it is highly suggested that you keep on checking and counter-checking through-out the process. That will eliminate any room for disappointments in the future.

Your kitchen appliances are equally important in the modernization of your kitchen, and hence adequate space should be created for them. Small details might completely change the design and look for your kitchen, so focus on them.

Everything you do when making changes to your kitchen is guaranteed to have an impact on it, so pay attention. The fabrics you use in your kitchen should also have a touch of natural colors on them. Bright colors are good but go for a balance to ensure that you do not overdo anything. In this case, you might not regret the major changes you’ve made such as the kitchen accessories and more. It is also wise that you keep an open mind during the whole process and understand that there is always room for more changes in the future.



Albert Carter

I should be working in the interior design business for over 15 years and kitchen designer for several of those years.