Not Invented Here Syndrome is Still Lurking Around

Why software teams should hire external consultants while adopting new stacks.

Albert Kozłowski
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Most of us, working in software development have been there: the organization evaluates a new technology such as a new framework, programming language or architectural pattern. The developers get excited, finding videos, blog posts, and success stories from big players. Some of the team members attend conferences related to the new tech or even test the new stack by building simple applications (like to-do apps). Eventually the team decides to use such technology for the new project.

However, few months later excitement turns into struggle. Deadlines are missed, people get demotivated. What seemed simple, while following tutorials and building example apps turned to be much harder while working on a production-grade project.

After a few months and constant refactors, the project gets deployed to production — yet something is not right. The promised quality is not there, the code is full of bugs, and is hard to maintain or monitor. There is no consensus on how to move forward. Do we keep it? Do we refactor? Do we go back to the old yet more understood stack?

Could this have been avoided?

