Albert Madison
3 min readNov 27, 2015

What Makes a Trustworthy Recruitment Agency

With the long list of Singapore recruitment agencies, you might be asking how to know if you find the right one. A good agency will not only benefit small or big companies, but also to people who are searching for a job. Dealing with the wrong one will end you up jobless if you are an applicant, and it will be harder for you to acquire great employees if you are an owner. Below are the characteristics that make a Singapore recruitment agency worth the trust of companies and applicants.

1. They can give what you need

Whether you are a company or business owner, or an applicant seeking for a job with the help of a recruitment agency, it is important to make sure that they can provide what you need. No matter how big Singapore recruitment agencies are, if their system would not fit for your need or your business’ needs do not make a deal with them. Most often, small and medium business does not need same recruiting requirement compared with big companies require. To help you on deciding, it is better to construct your business’ requirements and see if it will match with the Singapore recruitment agency. Also, ask them if they can adapt with your company’s particular needs.

2. They can collaborate and communicate

Another characteristic to look out for a trustworthy recruitment agency is that they should be equipped with great recruiters and employees. They must be hardworking, easy to communicate with, and knows how to collaborate with their clients and applicants. They will be in charge on searching possible candidates for your business so you have to be sure that they deserve to do that. Investigate their recruitment system and how they communicate with people and if they can really satisfy your needs. Do not overlook on how they prepare candidates and how they evaluate them.

3. They have the capability to perform effective sourcing

The main purpose on availing services of Singapore recruitment agencies are to make it easy for companies to source potential candidates who are qualified for the position they are offering. It is important for a company owner to know how an agency works and how fast they work. The quality of their service should not be disregarded because this what makes an agency worth every company’s cent. No one should trust any business with poor quality service that do not satisfy its clients.

4. They use social media to recruit

Social media platforms are the easiest way to communicate and source for applicants. A good Singapore recruitment agency uses these platforms to not only search for applicants but to also know their backgrounds. LinkedIn, for example, is one of the most powerful platform to use by applicants and also by companies and recruitment agency. Most people who are looking for job provides their information and CVs on LinkedIn to easily be seen by companies who are sourcing potential candidates to fill in the job they needed.

5. They set up referral program for employees

Aside from using social media to source for applicants, supporting referral program for employees is considered as one of the most effective strategy. Singapore recruitment agencies will ask the employees to refer people who they think are qualified for a certain job. In this way, an agency will have a higher chance to make people apply to them and they will also have better custody rate. It will be easier for an agency to filter the applicants and engage the current employees as they usually gets referral fee if the people they referred get the job.