Realism ft. Idealism

(Or Idealism ft. Realism)

Alberto Castillo G
2 min readJun 1, 2014

The two worlds?

Most of the time we refer to ourselves as people willing or not willing to take risks. Some call the people who take risks as Idealist, some other call them fool. And so, those who don’t risk are Realist, also known as the “serious people”.

Well, let me tell you something about this idea I’ve just started to bring to life.

“It is not a war between Realism and Idealism. It’s not a VS, it’s a Featuring.”

Just DO it

Last month(May) I read the book “Just do it” by Seth Godin and it has been one of the best choices I could’ve taken. This book encourages the reader to take risks and Just do it, so once I read it, I started writing down this coming from the main idea of the book to do the first step.

That’s when I asked myself. “Why don’t we take that risk?”

The answer was clear. To actually start doing something, we must stop thinking too much and just start doing something. That’s were the problem shows up if you are sticked to reality. You don’t even look at the idea of starting something because you may only think it’s impossible for you to achieve your goal.

There’s the difference from those who actually start without even thinking if they’re going to fail(anyways failing is a signal of change, of growing).

Let your life have some of both

Just think about it. If you only had some idealism and took that leap over the initial point, the rest of the ladder would be easier to take. It’s all because that first step is sometimes, the highest jump you have to take. And sticking to reality is not helping you.

I’m not telling reality is not necessary. Of course it is for the rest of the stairway to become successful on your project, that’s how you’re going to take most of your core decisions needed to get into the society.

This was wrote only to express the ideas shown on this Summary:


  • Every idealist has foolishness to spare and every realist still needs some more of it.
  • It isn’t about taking risk blindly. Anyways, being realist is not about not trying.
  • We let the vision of a “too high” step scare us from beginning.

We need idealism for stuff over rationality’s reach.

Realism will show us how to act confident and with arguments. Note: this is necessary for the actual society.

Thanks for reading.

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