How Long Will You Tolerate the Generation of Stagnation?

Albert Sandoval
7 min readDec 18, 2021


The last half-century has been a slow death of the individual and a rise of mass mediocrity.

“The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select. Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated.”

— José Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses, 1930

A transformative system has slowly taken hold of modern society, reshaping individual identities, values, and relationships with one another into a homogenized culture of pre-approved and sanitized thought. This system grew quietly under our feet like a weed, spreading and ingraining in our minds like a disease as it infiltrated every institution of modern life. Humanity is in desperate need of help, and it will not come from those who have created the problem or from the masses.

It is most evident that a centralized system now exists where governance of all political and social institutions are designed to fulfill a preconceived agenda that serves its masters above all and at any cost. These agendas serve the exclusive social, political, and economic benefits of a relatively small group of influential people; government officials, bankers, corporations, media, and political collectives. The policies and narratives from these systems defy intelligence and logic. They are concealed by abstract concepts and political theater. They have convinced the masses that any decisions made by their leaders benefit everyone equally as they operate without consequences. They make us believe we are incapable of understanding the complexities of these policies as they wrap them in a thin veil of virtuosity, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Still, we must trust our leaders to make these difficult decisions for us as they protect us from ourselves.

Generation after generation, these ideologies have created a vacuum whereby all other social and economic commerce must adapt and serve what the system calls the “greater good.” They have convinced the masses that these decisions are the sum of our collective beliefs, we should fear invisible enemies and oppressors, and most of all, those who challenge or threaten the power and influence of their stage show. We now find ourselves in a state of uncontrolled chaos, where our leaders are turning on each other, and it is apparent that we are on our own despite the promises of the institutional utopia and a savior riding in on a white horse.

We have witnessed the systemic failure of every one of these centralized institutions as the powers-that-be desperately grasp at the remnants of their once-influential authority. Meanwhile, as these institutions lose credibility, they leave behind an apocalyptic wasteland of confusion in a war of information. They have trivialized critical thought with buzzwords like “equity” and the “Great Reset,” meaningless acronyms, the new language of victimhood, and mechanisms of fear that can be turned on and off like a light switch — all in a weak attempt to cover up their naked corruption. They have convinced us that we are all oppressed at the hands of an abstract enemy. They pass the onus on past generations as they pretend to destroy our evil history, burning books, breaking down statues and monuments in self-righteous social rituals that serve the gods of the failed system.

As the smoke slowly drifts away from the mirrors, we can see the strings being pulled, the trick doors, and the old and rusty machinery fighting to stay alive, as these outdated ideas slowly continue to churn in this pitiful theater of shadows. It is nearly impossible to fool ourselves into believing what they say while remaining hopeful for a brighter future. We find solace in an old movie or TV show, a song that reminds us of better times. We have officially surrendered to mass mediocrity at the hands of human corruption, and we have allowed them to convince the masses that individualism, strength, critical thinking, and challenging the popular narrative are unforgivable acts of disobedience. Punishment comes in the form of public cancellation, censorship, and social de-platforming in a tribal ritual systemically carried out by the media, scripted talking points, and feeding this disease of deceptive thought while showing us all that will happen if we dare speak out against the political cabal. Like a mob armed with pitchforks and torches, they come for us with their hashtags and headlines, they surgically remove us from social platforms and weaponize the news cycles, anyone who dares to challenge the gospels of the leaders is promptly stricken down until one of them crosses the line, and they turn and eat their own in a display of self-serving virtue, no honor among the thieves, and no one is safe.

While we were asleep, we were conditioned by the enemy, a Trojan horse filled with feeble and mediocre minds. As I watch the plastic faces of these bizarre human beings, some unnaturally old and all with vacant eyes and no souls, I remind myself that these people are deciding the fate of the world. They say what we all want to hear with forked tongues, gaining power over others and enriching themselves. They have created a mass social experiment that expels talent, intellect, and innovation upon its arrival. They defy human nature, preventing us from thriving in a healthy environment where each individual is responsible for himself. The result is a half-century of stagnation, with more pain and suffering.

Future generations will study this time as one of the darkest in history. Where a world that had attained the freedom to exchange ideas in a few keystrokes, advance global trade opportunities, and the technology to solve many of humanity’s challenges was squandered by a handful of corrupt human beings in a cesspool of greed and ego that feed on the power they gained over the masses. What will we tell our children and future generations? How will we defend such a blatant attack on humanity? Will you use fear or ignorance to justify your inaction?

It is time to bring back the individual and the will to power, like a tree in the forest that extends its roots seeking more resources to nurture itself, the branches and trunk that continue to grow, occupying more of the space around itself — human beings are meant to thrive, to live in peace and harmony as each one of us learns to deal with the pains and struggles that we all inevitably face. What does not kill you will make you stronger. Never power over each other, but power over our own existence. Freedom from financial and social enslavement, freedom from outdated standards and rules set by a generation that drove institutional systems into the ground and robbed us of our birthright. How long will we sit in front of these screens and continue to fool ourselves?

We are at a crossroads; one path will keep you on the sinking ship watching the stage show and fooling yourself into believing it is all true, and the other will lead to genuine fulfillment. Life is never easy. Despite what our leaders have convinced us to believe is always just around the corner, or one vote away, the utopia never comes. We are still hunter-gatherers by nature. We should tend to our gardens and our own lives. Nature unites all of us, even the plants and the animals of the world. We do not need meaningless nonsensical and temporary language and acts to unite us. We are, by nature, united as one. We need to tend to our minds, spirits, families, and gardens. We are not the masses, we are individuals, and we rise and fall together. The great architect of the universe has given us the rules of our existence; we are all born with the right to sustain ourselves while growing like a tree. Thriving as we discover new resources and solutions to our challenges, leaving the world a better place with every generation.

It is time to stop inheriting the old wars of the few. It is time to realign authority and responsibility with accountability. We need to bring back a society that not only values talent, intellect, and innovation but cherishes and respects the process of progress by challenging all conventions and beliefs. We will never have all the answers, and we will never stop being students of our existence. It is time we embrace who we are and our place in the world. We are travelers, designers, thinkers, and creators capable of moving mountains lest we forget our power as individuals to create the world we wish to live in and the freedom to pursue fulfillment. We must never try and bury our past mistakes, or we will put future generations at risk of falling into the same traps. Let the monuments stand as a reminder to us all that we will never be perfect in this human experience.

Go with power into the darkness of the unknown with the confidence of your birthright to the universe that sustains us with life. Be wary of the unchallengeable, unaccountable, and self-righteous displays of virtuosity. Reject the invisible enemies that lurk in the shadows of the empty words on the lips of those who wish power over us. Always question authority and hold all institutions accountable for their failures. Progress is the result of critical debate from those who are not seeking power over others, living purely as individuals and not promising social rewards in exchange for empty acts of meaningless virtue.

The time has come to save yourself.



Albert Sandoval

I write, and I make movies, TV and art. I am a creative entrepreneur in search of meaningful connections and experiences.