True Jesus Church Song — Free Sheet Music

Albert S Chen
2 min readMay 17, 2023


Hello! I am Albert Chen, the writer of the song titled True Jesus Church, and it is my general intention for the sheet music to be free of charge and easily available to anyone who is interested in it.

So I’m providing the link directly here for free download:

If you’d like to distribute this sheet music digitally or physically, please email me first beforehand at Thanks!

Image of page 1 of 5 of the sheet music

Here are the original lyrics as well:

The one and only church of God

That Jesus shed His blood to buy

Beloved chosen ones of God

His precious people on high

True Jesus Church

Shining with God’s glorious light

True Jesus Church

The holy bride of Christ

The one and only church of God

The heavenly new Jerusalem

The city of the living God

The heavenly kingdom to come

The church is full of grace and truth

Her eyes are pure as gentle doves

Prepared and beautifully dressed to meet Lord Jesus

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PS. I recently saw that my sheet music was being sold online for 20 NT (or approximately $0.65 USD) without my knowledge. I’m in contact with the seller, but since my intention is to have it free and easily available, I just posted it here as well for anyone interested to download. Enjoy and have a good day! :)

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