5 Ways Of Adaptability

Albi Mudakar
5 min readOct 6, 2023

“It is no the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. Its is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin

Joining Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka is my opportunity to be able to develop even more, Bangkit Academy is a learning that I really enjoy where all the curriculum designed is certainly relevant to industry needs and there are also soft skills as a support to achieve various opportunities in the future, so I am very excited during the learning period because this is a rare opportunity that not everyone can get, therefore I take this program very seriously so that what is learned can be understood by me, especially in the field of Cloud Computing. To achieve these opportunities, I understand the importance of adapting quickly and effectively, so that I can overcome each challenge step by step.

In this reflection, I will share five ways to adapt: interact, achieve, learn, work, and think. This is how I applied these five aspects throughout my journey with Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka 2023:

Ways Of Interacting.

1. Ways of Interacting

In the Bangkit Academy, I learned a lot, I was culture-shocked by using English as the main language, especially during the ILT session, from here I learned to be able to adapt immediately by starting to consult with the mentor Kak Jian Marcel Hamonangan Silalahi to ensure more confidence, slowly but surely I began to adapt to the English used, such as when writing logbooks at Kampus Merdeka so that the sentence structure and vocabulary were correct, I used tools as for correcting my writing. Also, in every course platform, there is a video I try not to use translations so that I can get used to listening and also sharpen to interpreting.

Ways Of Achieving.

2. Ways Of Achieving

Bangkit provides several interesting programs and challenges, To stay motivated in achieving them, I set several goals such as passing each program with good grades, becoming a distinction graduate, gaining professional tech skills such as the Associate Cloud Engineer Certification as well gaining contacts from various cohorts and getting product incubation in capstone projects with my team.

Ways Of Learning.

3. Ways Of Learning

Bangkit helps me to adapt more to the self-placed learning method where we are given flexibility but must be able to be responsible with the time limit that has been set. There is an instructor who will explain Soft Skills, Tech Skills, and English Skills material, of course from experienced practitioners, Then there are mentors who will bring consultation sessions held every week to ask about learning progress as well as problems faced. In addition, there is a discord where we can discuss with each other.

Ways Of Working.

4. Ways Of Working

In the Bangkit Academy 2023 program, I experienced many changes, especially in my habits of work, I managed my time using Google Calendar starting from assignments, ILT, and then scheduled meetings with capstone teams.

Ways Of Thinking.

5. Ways Of Thinking

Since I joined the program from Bangkit Academy, I began to adapt and improve, especially in my mindset, the material that really influenced me was “Growth Mindset” Before I got the material I was not sure and pessimistic, but with this, it could change my mindset. Then there is no less important material “Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving” With this material I can improve my skills to analyze, interpret, evaluate well, and understand the problem context, 5 whys, and Decision Tree, which can help to find the root problem and then to solving a problem. This, really helps me to improve my mindset to think.

That’s what I can share about the 5 Ways to Adapt as a whole while joining the Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka 2023 program. Believe me, by joining the program this program, I experienced many significant changes, joining the Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka program was a valuable experience that taught me to be more adaptable and resilient in trying something I was afraid of to achieve success.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to read the article about the experience I have shared about five ways of adaptation during the Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka program. Hopefully, it can motivate and inspire. There are still many opportunities provided by the Bangkit Academy, but I will discuss them in the next article.

If there is anything you want to share about the experience, please share it in the comments column, and for friends who are still hesitant to join the Bangkit program, feel free to ask, for more information about the Bangkit Academy Program, you can visit this web g.co/bangkit thank you!

“Adaptability is not imitation. It means the power of resistance and assimilation.” — Mahatma Gandhi

#LifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2023 #5WaysOfAdaptability #BangkitAcademy2023 #CloudComputing #cc21 #TechSkills #albibangkitacademyjourney2023 #cohortbangkit

