How I learned to implement HTML and CSS in two weeks with Sololearn

Albina Hays
5 min readMay 31, 2022
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Web development is something that has interested me for a long time. As a child, it was more akin to a hobby: I would set up local websites about a favorite show or other little thing, typically utilizing shoddy construction and quickly-outdated constructors. But as I’ve come to consider all of the possibilities in freelance work and personal development more seriously, I was excited by the prospect of reigniting this old passion and developing things I could genuinely be proud of.

Getting started

To start with HTML and CSS, you’re going to want to take a proper approach and avoid utilizing premade code assets or visual editors like Wordpress. Approaching it in this way will be initially difficult, but you’re going to be left with a high degree of control over your design and manageable code (ideally with nice comments and that only uses what you need).

You should install a decent text editor to use for this purpose. A long time ago I used Notepad++, but I’ve recently found a lot of success with Sublime Text Editor. Of course, the best editor is the one that suits you.

A key point in HTML and CSS

An important distinction which should influence your coding practice and inspire good habits is that HTML is meant for structure and…

