Nothing Changes Until You Change

Mr Lex
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

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Why are we distracted from what is important? Why does it sometimes take an illness, a crisis, an accident, a tragedy, or even death to wake us up and get our attention?

I think we fill our lives with far too much “stuff.”
We are far too busy, overloaded, and obsessed with information.
The endless to-do lists are far too long, and we’re always running around trying to “keep up” or “be important,” and all the while, we’re stressing ourselves to the max.

Even though many of us, myself included, often complain that we can’t do anything to make things right because of the lives we lead, technology or our responsibilities, families, and jobs, most of us have a say, even more than we’d like to admit about the schedule we have.

We can decide how much time we spend communicating electronically or how much “stuff” we use daily. Many of these distract us from what is important and prevent us from feeling real emotions — this is one of the main reasons we want to be so busy and preoccupied with all sorts of things other than what is important. Focusing on what’s important can sometimes be a little scary.

Some of the most important people and the most important activities and aspects of our lives may seem unimportant to those around us and may — or may not — have to do with our careers or the care we need to take of our families.

Others may neither like, understand nor agree with them. And even if they do, unfortunately, it’s much easier to watch TV, check our email, clean the house, plan our day, surf the Internet, and just react to what’s going on around us than to actively engage in the things we value most.
We may not even know what is most important to us, or there may be an internal struggle about what should be most important.

With so many conflicting beliefs, ideas, expectations, and goals in and around us, it’s not easy to know what is most important to us. And even if we did, we’d have to be extremely strong to live all the time in accordance with what’s most important to us.

Whether it’s our lack of transparency or our fear of disappointing others (or both), focusing on what’s important to us can be much more difficult than it first seems.

While all of these “reasons” and others make sense, not focusing on what is most important to us has a real and often negative impact on our lives, work, and everyone around us.
We end up living a life totally out of alignment with who we are, which leads to stress, dissatisfaction, and missed opportunities and experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to write this article.

If you have 1 minute free and you have the pleasure of telling me your opinion, I would be grateful.

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