Jago Last Wish for a Safe Future — UX Case Study

Aldi Rizal P.
7 min readOct 13, 2022


Illustration made in Figma.com

“This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul (skilvul.com), for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Bank Jago is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Bank Jago.”

Bank Jago

Bank Jago is a digital financial service that focuses on the centric daily life of users, with the largest ecosystem network in Indonesia. There are many kinds of problems in a person’s daily life, but there are financial products that are used to fulfill these needs. At Jago, although their main business is financial products, they understand that from the user’s perspective what they think about is not the financial product, but the end goal. Therefore, when we wanted to create a savings product, Jago did not stop with just creating a digital account feature, but also thought about integration into services that could provide the goods or services that users need. So that everything becomes easy and smooth, for everyday life, future dreams, and activities with friends and family.

Challenge Brief


Jago wants to create and introduce a feature about life
insurance or digital wills. But now there are many places to get
life insurance products completely with details and prices. Of
course, this is not the type of product that Jago wants. Jago
features are made to support users’ lifestyles and also help them
achieve their life goals, not just sell financial products.

Imagine if we could make a will digitally, the contents of which
could be whatever we wanted to do and the funding for its
implementation could be guaranteed by the insurance product
behind it. We can make a will as usual, leave money for the
family, or we can also request that the ashes of our bodies be
sent to outer space! we can make requests as far as our
imaginations take!

For that, we currently need a solution or service
in the form of a design prototype for a mobile
application in order to help our users make
plans that anticipate unexpected events in the
future that can affect the livelihoods and/or
the welfare of their families. It is also possible for
our users to use this feature for social
purposes, contributing to their environment and
the community even after death.

Our Team

Our team consists of 3 UI/UX Designers. We all share the same responsibility in handling this project as UI/UX designers through all of its processes. But we have a different focus of expertise responsibilities in making this project easier. Some of the descriptions of my responsibilities are as follows:

Design Process

The whole process is using Design Thinking, and each stage produced a following result,

1 — Empathize and Define

For initial data and information sources used for development, we got all that from :

  • Challenge Partner ( Bank Jago ) Briefing.
  • Secondary Research: Goverment Database, Competitor Data, Journal and Article.

With the data and information that we have, we develop a User Persona that has a few points that keep us focused on a specific user problem and need. And also to clearly describe who the potential users who will use this feature will be and what problems they have experienced so far according to the research that has been done.

2 — Ideate

As we get to the Ideate phase, we conduct brainstorming to make solution for the problems and the needs of users. We pain point the problem base on the problems the user experienced. How Might We is a method that we used to develop a feature to meet the user needs with our point of view as a user, not a developer.

And the results of brainstorming are filtered as to what is needed to prioritize first.

3 —Design Resources

User Interface Design Resources

  • Color Style, we use the color that matches on Bank Jago apps.
  • Iconography, as Bank Jago is a user-friendly apps, we set a free-to-use icon from Figma which is not too stiff and friendly.
  • Font Style, Clarity, and simplicity is the key to our finance application to be, so we decided to go with these two font.

3 — Prototype

  • Crazy 8's

Each of the team members creates a sketch using Crazy 8’s method. Crazy 8’s is a method to challenge all the team members to sketch eight distinct ideas in eight minutes. In this case, we sketched 8 ideas according to the prioritized idea.

  • User Flow

After the crazy 8’s been made and chosen we create the user flow to ensure the task of the prototype we made is efficient and as needed for the user.

  • Information Architecture

The information architecture ( IA ) are made to help the user find the information and complete the task flow.

  • Low Fidelity Design

As we are in the phase to beautify the User Interface, firstly we make the Lo-Fi Design or Wireframe for the basic design.

  • High Fidelity Design

Here we are, beautifying the User Interface.

  • Prototyping

The results of all the execution of ideas and menus that you want to build in the Last Wish feature are integrated into the Prototype. You can try it here


We use In-Depth Interviews and Usability Testing with Single Ease Question method to gather feedback from the user, with 7 people from different backgrounds via zoom.

The In-Depth Interview (IDI) method is the process of asking and answering the user to get a response to the user’s personal opinion on the product.

  • Result

Testing shows that the user can run the apps easily, but there are still some things that need to be improved, like how the UX Writing is need to be changed and the flow on Gamification Page.

Words can’t express how grateful am i to The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for facilitating us with Digital Talent Scholarship ( DTS ) training program, as well to Skilvul.com which has organized the program and assigning Mr. Agil Cahya as our mentor. Last but not least, my dearest partner and companion, Priska Maya and Mubayin Hukmi, i hope we meet at the top.

Hopefully, this program will continue to be held for generations to come in order to raise the graph of human resources for the Indonesian folk.

Thank you :)

