aldo olivaresKotlin Lambdas Tutorial: Getting StartedLambdas are perhaps one of the most powerful features in Kotlin. If used properly, they can simplify your code and make it much more…Jul 4, 20181Jul 4, 20181
aldo olivaresSunday, October 8, 2017It is difficult to keep this habit of writing every day. In fact, there are several days when I do not publish anything. But well, I…Oct 9, 2017Oct 9, 2017
aldo olivaresFriday, October 6, 2017It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep a full time job and a business.Oct 7, 2017Oct 7, 2017
aldo olivaresTuesday, October 4, 2017I find myself in one of the biggest dilemmas of my whole life: to continue working quietly in this company or to grow mine.Oct 6, 2017Oct 6, 2017
aldo olivares04 de Octubre de 2017Me encuentro de uno de los más grandes dilemas de toda mi vida: continuar trabajando tranquilamente en esta empresa o hacer crecer la mía.Oct 5, 2017Oct 5, 2017
aldo olivaresGotham y México — Misma Ciudad, diferente nombreVarios mis amigos llevaban mucho tiempo recomendando Gotham, la serie de DC que narra los acontecimientos que suceden después de la muerte…Oct 4, 2017Oct 4, 2017
aldo olivaresTuesday, October 2, 2017I recently read an article about how good it is to write about your own life.Oct 3, 2017Oct 3, 2017
aldo olivares¿Cuál es el Mejor Lenguaje para Aprender a Programar?Muchos estudiantes que quieren aprender a programar se preocupan por su elección del lenguaje.Sep 7, 2017Sep 7, 2017
aldo olivaresSolving ProblemsI can't believe how difficult it is for me to solve easy problems on pages like hackerrank and topcoder. I wonder if this is because I’m…Sep 7, 2017Sep 7, 2017