It has been worth every minute lived.

Ale Esperanza
4 min readDec 26, 2019


Today is a very special day: Gurucargo, the start-up I created together with two partners 6 years ago, is in the process of being sold to a regional traditional player. Gurucargo was and will forever be a turning point in my personal and professional life.

It is now the moment to look behind, reflect on these last 6 years and most importantly look ahead and reflect on the opportunities. It is now the moment to put all this into words. My learning experience, as all learning experiences, deserve to be shared. This message is thus for those who are entrepreneurs or who are thinking of becoming one. I would like for this message to push you towards the unknown, where your heart and head say yes, but your comfort zone puts a brake on it. Although typically said, we do live once and it is worth trying.

Gurucargo: my story. I invite you to feel it with me.

It has been worth every minute lived.

Many joys for small achievements,

Many emotions waiting for an answer,

Many minutes of tension waiting for an important meeting.

Many “if we close this deal, we ….”.

Many decisions had to be made. Countless, challenging, definitive.

Many airports, countries, cities, many people, many stories…

The satisfaction of achieving progress;

The disappointment when things did not come out as expected.

The many “victories” and many “defeats”.

The journey, unique and irreplaceable.

Being able to control the emotions is the entrepreneur’s most difficult task. Once inside the entrepreneurial journey, commitment and responsibility are not negotiable. One must be strong in the face of adversity, because things do not always work out for us like in Excel. Each decision is a crossroads, and it feels like our life is in it. “This week is key” — we said to ourselves so many times. In reality, what has been key for us, has been to constantly motivate ourselves in the team and think forward, with passion and positivity — giving everything from ourselves. Entrepreneurship is about inspiring your team, even more so when with certain things are in doubt. Motivation is key — and when transmitted — helps to make possible the impossible.

Having given everything gives me peace of mind;

Having learned so much has enabled me to gain analytical and problem-solving skills;

Grateful to have lived this experience — which I feel as a reward to the soul.

Grateful to all those who in some way were part of Gurucargo.

Thanks to my friends, to those who always accompanied, unconditionally. When resources were limited, they gave us a home and whatever was necessary.

Thanks to those who were part of the team. Everyone has contributed in one way or the other. Together, all of you made the difference.

Thanks to those who trusted us, our clients, and those who went further and invested their money, resources and time, believing that we could build something great and pushing us beyond our limits. Your encouragement will be forever valued.

Thank you to my partners Andy and Eric for this trip. I will always keep the best memories. Together we broke barriers and went far. Countless moments shared — you made me a better professional and definitely a better person.

Thank you Ma, Pa, Marce and Clau, and the family that gave me life; each one with its own way, always reminding me to look for the right balance and to keep the passion and enjoyment. Your trust has been and will always be key.

Thank you Chiqui, for bearing with me the madness, long absences due to planned trips and those decided from one day to the other, for understanding the uncertainty and the down feelings. You have been the “push” that we need every day: the simple words “come on — if this does not work out, it is because something better will come”. It was our adventure too, and I loved that you were always there, by my side. This trip started alone, and there are now 5 of us.

Now it’s time to look for the next chapter. 2020 will bring new challenges, which I am determined to face with great energy, passion and determination. I am eager to embark in new projects that inspire me and will challenge me to give the very best of myself.

THIS IS A NEW BEGINNING and I am ready for it.

Until the next adventure!



Ale Esperanza

Endeavor Entrepreneur with comprehensive management background, recognized by MIT Technology Review as Top Innovator under 35