Class Exercise & Worksheet


  1. Class Exercise: storyboard
  • I missed the class where we worked on this exercise together, but from what I could gather from the shared Figma document, it looks like we’re storyboarding problems users run into when using a certain tool or app. I chose to storyboard the grocery section of the Uber app because they have no option for searching for specific items and it’s very annoying. The Uber Eats app has that functionality but the Uber app doesn’t.

2. Worksheet: Design Kit

3. Interviews

[ interviewing in progress]

Interview #1: Liana

interview #1, transcript pages 1–3
interview #1, transcript pages 4–5

Interview #2: Sophira

interview #2, transcript pages 1–3
interview #2, transcript pages 4–5

Interview #3: Chris

interview #3, transcript pages 1–3
interview #3, transcript pages 4–5

Interview #4: Charis

