CS 373 Spring 2024: Alea Nablan

Alea Nablan
2 min readApr 7, 2024


What did you do this past week?
This week I mainly worked on phase 3 for this project. I was mainly working on setting up the API to work with searching and sorting. I was also working on my graphics assignment and met up with my ethics group to figure out our presentation as well as planning out when we should be done.

What’s in your way?
I think that there are just a lot of little assignments that I need to remember to do get done in between all the bigger projects for my classes and so sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming. But I think if I just divide out my time well, I can stop feeling overwhelmed.

What will you do next week?
I will finish up the graphics assignment and also start thinking on what I want to do for my final project. I will also need to start working on a paper for that class as well. I am also planning to go back to Houston next week since Eid is going to be next week so that will be pretty fun. Not sure when Eid is yet but hopefully its on a Tuesday, but if it is on a Wednesday, that’s okay too.

What did you think of Paper #11. More on getters and setters?
I thought it was interesting and I liked how they used the same example throughout the paper to make it easy to see any changes and see what they added. Although it will be hard to get out of the mindset of using getters and setters, I feel that using this Builder pattern can be helpful in being able to keep your code maintainable.

What did you think of SQL select, SQL subqueries, and SQL joins?
I thought it was fun to learn about SQL and the exercises helped to put it to practice.

What made you happy this week?
I was happy that my group and I were able to finish phase 3. I was also really happy because one of the aunties I know living in Austin was hosting an iftar and so I went with other friends to eat good Malaysian food. It has been a while since I had Malaysian food so I was happy to eat a lot and also got to take home a lot of leftovers!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I think something that’s been helpful for me is using chatgpt to help me understand specific lines of code. Sometimes if I don’t understand what something is doing, I will just ask chatgpt to explain it to me, especially if I’m too lazy to read documentation on anything. Sometimes I’ll use a combination of both.

