3 Questions for you to overcome laziness by finding meaning for your life

Rithik Kannan
3 min readNov 21, 2023


Purpose. A meaning for our life, without it our life becomes less interesting and joyful.

The reason for us being lazy and bored is that we have not yet found a true purpose for our lives. When we know what we need to do, then sure we are going to do it, but since we have no idea about our life, we simply waste it.

Let’s understand it even better with an example from nature.

Imagine yourself planting a beautiful flowering plant. You pour water, add manure, and show a great amount of love. After 3 months of immersive care, the plant reached the point of flowering, but… days, weeks, and months passed by, and the flower never seemed to bloom. Now how are you going to react?

Most probably, we just stop caring about it.

Now come back to your life.

You came here with a mission of creating a great impact on this world. But, instead of growing, learning, and finding our purpose, we use to fill our lives with ego, envy, comparison, and so on. We fail to grow and as the days pass we fail to bloom. Hence we stop caring about our lives which leads to laziness and no meaning to our lives.

But, Now there is no more time to waste. We will take the first step towards blooming into a beautiful flower by finding our powerful purpose.

Here are three questions you need to answer right now to find meaning in your life.

Purpose. A meaning for our life

Q1: What do you love to do?

We all love to do something. It may be drawing, dancing, singing, and so on.

The first step in the journey towards finding our purpose is to find what we love to do. Start by reflecting on what made you happy today. What do you love to do the most? Keep reflecting on yourself until you find something that makes you truly happy.

Don’t settle until you find something you love.

Q2: How will you serve this world?

Our purpose has no meaning without making a positive impact on this world.

So, Once you find what you love, the next step is to find ways to serve the world. It need not be great. Start by creating a small positive impact on someone around you. It can be drawing a portrait of your friend or being a well-wisher for someone.

The true happiness lies in the service of others by helping with what you love.

Q3: Why do you think you came into this beautiful world?

Now, comes the final life-changing question. A question that gives a true meaning to our existence.

We are born here for a reason and answering this question can give you great motivation to overcome laziness or emptiness in your life. This guides you towards the end goal of your life.

The purpose is nothing but love combined with service. So, answer this question with what you love to do and how will you serve this world.

My Purpose Is … LOVE + SERVICE

Take your first step towards your purpose right now. There is no better time than today.

Don’t just skip this article, Take a notebook or notepad and answer these 3 questions. They give you the direction towards higher meaning in your life. It’s not going to take more than 10 minutes but can be a life-changing day.

Start your journey towards purpose and happiness right now.



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Rithik Kannan

Writing what I feel about positive and happy living ✨