A way to use your time effectively

Rithik Kannan
4 min readOct 21, 2023


A faster way to reach your purpose.

Time is the only valuable gem we all share in common. It never shows a difference between the rich and the poor, a doer and a thinker, the young and the old.

It always loves everyone. But, the one who loves it back fulfill his purpose and the one who hates it waste it.

Use your time effectively towards your purpose

Here are the 5 categories of actions you should take in order to stop wasting your time and to use if for a happy and a regret free life.

1. Purpose — Work

Our time is directly proportional to our purpose. The one who finds his purpose, and start working on it, understands the value of time, while the one who didn’t find his purpose, waste his time and hence waste his life.

Now we can understand that finding our purpose is the first step in making use of our time in an effective way.

Once you find your purpose, then every action you take must be aligned with your purpose. It always needs to take you one step forward towards your purpose.

Actions that does not help you in the journey of your purpose, needs to be stopped right away.

For example, If you wanted to become a creator, then you should spend more time on creating content rather than consuming content.

Make sure that the actions you take towards your purpose makes you truly happy and also create a positive impact on this world.

Purpose. It’s the reason for our living.

2. Values — Live

Values will act as a guide for your life. It helps you to understand what decisions to take in any moment of your life.

You values can be as simple as being joyful, speaking the truth, Not comparing myself with others, etc.

For example, when you meet a new friend, since your value is to not compare, you just love him instead of comparing his looks and outfit with yourself. This decreases the friction of building a lovely friendship.

So, Start by adding three values to yourself, and truly live by them. Every action you take should be accordance with the values you set.

This will always help you to understand that you are going in the right path towards your purpose.

Who you are is defined by your values

3. Inspiration— Power

Having an inspiration in your life helps you to get a clear path and a strong motivation to achieve your purpose, because you learn their inspiring story and truly get a clear vision of how you wanted to be in your future.

So, Choose three people you wanted to become like.

Now, When you don’t know what exactly to do, although you have a powerful purpose and strong values.

Just relax and question yourself:

“What will my inspiration would have done right now?”

“How they will react to this situation?”

“How they will handle this situation?”

Just visualize for 5 minutes and start taking action accordingly.

You are what you think you are.

4. Future— Motivation

You need to start small in order to finish big, and also you need to think big in order to achieve big.

Remember, Start small but thing big.

Imagine yourself in the place of the person you inspire about.

For example, If wanted to write a book, don’t just think of your small 10k audience, think big.

How will I write this book for my massive 100 Million audience?

This gives you a great responsibility to make this book into one of the best book that is ever written.

Think big, even when you are start small and through consistency you will be there one day.

5. Relax— Free

So, far you have learned the techniques that you can use to stop wasting your time and work towards your purpose at a full potential.

But, you can’t run throughout your lifetime. You need rest. A good rest.

So, every time you are stressed, just give yourself some time to get relaxed, and one of the best ways to truly feel more relaxed is to enjoy the present.

Our monkey mind is jumping from one taught to another without rest and living in the present is the best way to calm your monkey mind.

Just get our of your workspace, go out, sit down, just be in the present.

Hear those birds singing, focus on your breath, look at the beauty of the blue sky and more.

Be in that moment and nothing else.

This gives you the calmness and the power to enjoy the journey towards your purpose.


We all share that 24 hours in common, and how we use it defines who we are.

When your total energy and time is given to your purpose, then sure you are going to fulfill purpose, the reason for our living with great joy.

Use your time effectively, because ones it’s gone you will never get it back.


Find your purpose, the reason for your living with the help of our beautiful Purpose Planner template. You can download it for completely free.

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Rithik Kannan

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