The story of the red and the white rose

Rithik Kannan
2 min readJul 7, 2023


In the middle of a beautiful garden, had a red rose plant and a white rose plant.

Both these roses are wonderful looking and dancing to the direction of the wind.

But, The red rose was jealous by looking the white rose. It started to think, how bright and shiny it is and taught that everyone will love it, but look at me, less shiny and boring.

While the white rose was jealous on the red rose. It started to think, how lovely and beautiful it is and everyone loves it, but I was colorless and boring.

Both these roses started to do this for a long time, until one day.

A girl came into the beautiful garden to pick some roses.

She picked both the red and the white roses and came back home.

She planned to give the lovely red rose to her loved ones.

While used the white rose to decorate her beautiful home.

The red rose made her loved one’s happy and,

The white rose made the home bright and shiny.

This story helps us to understand one important life lesson.

We are all unique and we all got a unique purpose.

Giving a white rose to a loved one is not more lovely and decorating the home with red rose will note make your home more brighter.

Comparing with others, will never help us to reach our beautiful destination.

Instead, Look and praise your own skills and start your happy journey.

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