“A solid digital data ecosystem is vital for the future of financial services”

3 min readApr 12, 2019


“The data belongs to the clients, who should have the right to share it with whoever they want, beyond geographical and sector boundaries. And this freedom of data is an increasingly important factor for the prosperity of the ‘fintech’ sector”.

Accompanying Carlos Torres Vila, the event was also attended by Onur Genç, CEO of BBVA and Javier Rodríguez Soler, ‘country manager’ of BBVA in the USA. UU

The entrepreneurial spirit is what matters

The president of BBVA explained why the value of entrepreneurs is so important and the reasons why BBVA has invested 250 million dollars in the venture capital fund managed by Propel Venture Partners: “The ‘fintech’ community is the force that he directs the financial services sector and the entrepreneurial spirit that we see in the companies in which we invest, it is expanding the frontiers of innovation and customer service. This is a model that we emulate in all BBVA and that is already giving us great success in the delivery of products and services and in the cultural change that is causing “.

On his participation in the meeting organized by Propel, Carlos Torres Vila said that “it is a privilege to be back in San Francisco with the Propel Venture Partners team, see their investment strategy in action and have the opportunity to meet with some of the CEOs of the companies in which we have invested and of which we are learning, through Propel”.

The word of Ryan Gilbert

In this same line, Ryan Gilbert, director of Propel Venture Partners, said that “we see around 1,000 companies a year, who tell us and present the products and services they are developing”.

Start-ups Propel expands its investment in Ease, the leading startup in human resources solutions Propel Venture Partners, the venture capital fund of the BBVA Group based in San Francisco, has announced its participation in a new round of financing in Ease, a US company UU that develops software solutions for the management of human resources for SMEs.

“Although it is true that we are seeing innovations emerge in more and more regions of the world, thanks to the acceleration of the digital economy, San Francisco and California remain the epicenter on a global scale. That’s why we’re here”, Gilbert said.

About making investment decisions

“For us, when it comes to making investment decisions, there are only two key criteria. First, what the team is like, if they are genuine, passionate leaders, if they have a clear idea of where they want to go and if they have a leading solution in their field”.

“Secondly” he continued, “if what they are doing can make a difference in people’s lives and if they have developed their initiative putting the client at the heart of their proposal. If these premises are met, the investment opportunity is much more attractive” concluded Gilbert.

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

