Add This Encryption And Decryption API To Your Job
3 min readOct 20, 2022

Do you wish to strengthen the security of your job by using encryption and decryption API? then review this article to discover how to achieve it!

Two of the key operations in computing are encryption and decryption. Information is converted into a code that can only be understood by the intended receiver through the process of encryption. The opposite process, decryption, involves taking data that has been encrypted and restoring it to its original state.

In order to protect the information of their users, several websites utilize encryption and decryption APIs. For instance, encryption is a means to safeguard sensitive information from hackers or other unauthorized visitors to your works if you wish to keep sensitive information like credit card numbers or social security numbers.

You can generate secure passwords using a solid encryption and decryption API without having to write them down (or keep them in a document on your computer).

Existing data can be easily encrypted, but to decode them, you need the correct key or password; which is only known by the user. This protects the security of everyone using the same system by ensuring that only authorized users may access the data they require.

When necessary, decrypting encrypted data may be done automatically; saving time and money for businesses that regularly handle a lot of sensitive data (such as banks).

What Different Types Of Encryption Algorithms Exist?

Synchronous Key Encryption Using a single secret key, this type of cryptography encrypts and decrypts data. Both the sender and the recipient use this key to encrypt and decrypt their respective communications. Another name for this method is “secret-key cryptography.” It is one of the most often used approaches since it is easy to include in hardware or software. As we’ll see in a moment, there are a number of drawbacks when compared to alternative strategies like public-key cryptography.

Asymmetric key encryption uses two keys for encryption: a public key for message encryption and a private key for message decryption. This method enables you to send messages.

What Function Does This API Serve?

Single-key cryptography, employed by symmetric encryption, uses the same key for both encoding and decoding. Symmetric cryptography employs a single key that can be used for both encryption and decryption.

Two keys are used in asymmetric cryptography: a public key that can be used by anyone to encrypt data and a private key that can only be used by its owners to decode it.

With the help of this API, you may encrypt any string using a very secure way. A 64-byte random encryption key that is exclusive to you is generated when the request is received (it’s not a hex string!).

Use the same key to decrypt the encrypted string from the first argument. The encrypted string is represented in hexadecimal form in the returned value.

In 2023, you’ll be able to encrypt any text with the help of this API! Just provide the secret key and plaintext string as a POST request parameter. We now present the top data security option currently available!

Protect Your Data By Encrypting It!

Any text may be transformed into the necessary encrypted format by using the Encryption and Decryption API. Supported hashes include MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512. You’ll also be able to understand them. Encryption is frequently used in internet security and can provide a safe way to send data over the internet or exchange critical information inside your company.

You will receive a string from the Encryption and Decryption API that you may encrypt as you like. Later, you’ll get a Hash that you may store. You can accept login requests and transaction requests by matching your hashed strings. It’s quite simple and secure.

Related Post: Reasons To Employ The Encryption and Decryption API

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