Aggity: The innovative startup continues to grow
2 min readFeb 13, 2019


To speak of the Pierre family we can say like father like son. Father Oscar, has been struggling for several decades with the digitization processes for companies. And son, also Oscar, has revolutionized the casting world with Glovo. Now Oscar, the father, also makes an important nod to the startup world.

In particular, he has presented Aggity Next Radar. A kind of incubator that will serve his company, Aggity. Which will accelerate some innovation processes. Thus, in a meeting with the press, Oscar Pierre has presented the general lines of what will be this new development within the company.

In the first place, he wanted to make it clear that they will not enter the circle of financing institutions that startups need. In principle, they will not enter the capital, except those who, in their personal capacity, decide to invest in Aggity.

From Aggity they place the services within their commercial network, and the startups get a royalty of these sales. The selection of companies will be made through an external firm that will choose among the best.


Aggity obtained a turnover of 6.5 million euros during the year of 2018. With this figure it meets the objectives that were set in 2017. It was a year in which it innovated its corporate strategy to address the first portion of its transformation. Which from a traditional company of solutions for the management of companies, to a new company focused on offering around digitization and socialization applied in business management.

In this time, Aggity has made investments of 1.2 million and has increased its human resources by 40%. Initial team grown from 61 people in 2017 to a team of 93 professionals in 2018. And it spread across Spain, Mexico and other areas of Latin America.

The company is now addressing the second phase of its strategy. For which a horizon of four years has been set. This second section includes the acquisition of two companies, in Spain, in the software environment and the Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) services, respectively. And a third in Colombia, to start operating in this country through its own subsidiary. Until now it was done through a franchise agreement.

With this second part of the strategy, Aggity expects to grow, over this year, above 50%, to obtain a turnover of 9.9 million euros in 2019. And make it more than 60% in 2020, until achieving a turnover of 16.6 million euros. For 2021 and 2022, the aggity business plan foresees growth of around 27%, with invoicing of 21.3 and 26.9 million euros, respectively.

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