Alternatives To Scrapingbee To Obtain Free Data From The Internet
3 min readApr 28, 2022


Do you need a better web scraping tool for your business? Check out the alternatives to Scrapingbee to obtain data from the internet.

To get started, let’s define what a web scraping tool is. It’s an automated mechanism for acquiring structured web data. You’ve done the same tasks as a web scraper if you’ve ever copied and pasted information from a webpage, but on a smaller, manual scale. Web scraping, as opposed to the time-consuming practice of manually gathering data, automates the collection of millions of data points from the virtually unlimited expanse of the internet.

The continued development of this sort of technology helps every firm. Web scraping solutions may certainly help businesses get crucial data from any website or consumer they’re interested in. Furthermore, most modern companies employ an API for this reason since it is vital to automate and streamline activities.

As we have seen, web scraping tools are becoming extremely important for industries that need to collect data from their customers and competitors. However, you need to look carefully at each API offered on the internet. There is a big variety of prices and features that may not fulfill your ambitions. As a consequence, here are three alternatives to Scrapingbee to obtain free data from the internet.

1. Codery

The Codery API crawls a website and extracts all of its structured data. You only need to provide the URL and they will take care of the rest. In the form of an auto-filling spreadsheet, extract specific data from any webpage.

Using Codery, with a single request, the scale search engine crawls pages. Furthermore, to manage all types of websites, use a real browser to scrape and handle all of the javascript that runs on the page.

2. Scraper API

Scraper API is the second tool we will analyze. It supports browsers, proxies, and CAPTCHAs, allowing you to get raw HTML from any website with a single API call.

Scraper API’s main features include the ability to render Javascript, ease of integration, and geolocated Rotating Proxies. To construct scalable web scrapers, you’ll need a lot of speed and reliability.

3. Browse AI

Browse AI is an API for web scraping that allows you to extract specific data from any website in the form of a spreadsheet that fills itself. Moreover, this platform has the possibility of monitoring and getting notified of changes.

Browse 1-click automation for popular use cases is another of the features Browse AI has to offer. Used by more than 2500 individuals and companies, it has flexible pricing and geolocation-based data.

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