Argentine blockchain company of smart contracts acquires social network platform Taringa!
3 min readOct 10, 2019


The company IOVLabs, creator of the RSK smart contract platform today announced the acquisition of Taringa!, known Spanish-speaking social network. Currently, the social platform has more than 1,000 active online communities and around 30 million registered users.

IOVLabs is dedicated to developing financial solutions from the Blockchain platform of RSK smart contracts, based on Bitcoin. The company also developed the RIF token that, launched in 2018, has a market capitalization of USD $ 46 million.

Crypto rewards

The new acquisition of Taringa! could encourage thousands of platform users to receive crypto rewards in the company’s token. The alliance also plans to add more features and options in the future, such as peer-to-peer exchanges between users and a dApps market. This was explained by Matías Botbol, ​​CEO of Taringa in the press release, where he added:

We are very excited to join forces with the creators of RIF and RSK. We are already building our first tool to allow Taringa users to be rewarded for being active participants. Our ultimate goal is to create a new open and decentralized Internet that respects the freedom of expression and privacy of the individual.

For his part, Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, CEO of IOVLabs, stressed that having access to a community as large as that of Taringa! It will allow them to know the opinions about the tools and the protocols that they are promoting through RSK. In this regard, Gutierrez added:

“Blockchain is a powerful technology, but it needs mass adoption to create significant value. This acquisition puts us at the forefront of adoption in distributed accounting technologies. We see Taringa as the first step towards mass adoption of the RSK and RIF platforms, and a great step forward for our long-term vision of empowering people through decentralization”.

Who is who

Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar is a pioneer in Blockchain technology in Argentina and Latin America. He is co-founder and CEO RSK Bitcoin Smart Contract and Koibanx, another Argentine Blockchain startup. In addition, he was part of the creative team of the Bitcoin Argentina ONG organization, with more than 5,000 registered members.

For its part, IOVLabs, based in Gibraltar, has a global presence with offices in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Shanghai and Singapore. Since the launch of their RSK Blockchain network in 2018, they have been working to develop alliances and new financial products that drive the mass adoption of this technology.

What does this acquisition mean?

With the recent acquisition of Taringa, the Argentine Blockchain company is committed to reaching the Spanish-speaking community, where it is estimated that 28% of Internet users use the social platform. And, in this way, provide them with a decentralized alternative that allows them to secure their finances.

“We are eager to share more news about the first products very soon, as we continue to build valuable Internet”, Gutierrez added on the occasion of the acquisition.

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