Avoid Unintentional Plagiarism In Your Essays Using This Detector API

3 min readNov 28, 2022

Are you trying to find a way to write papers with quality and originality? Happy news this tool allows you to identify and correct unintentional plagiarism.

Students frequently worry about whether their texts are entirely authentic before turning them in. That is because academic careers can suffer greatly from plagiarism, which is severely punished in almost all universities.

Even though you take a great effort to be careful when writing an essay, this is insufficient to guarantee that your work is original. Furthermore, it is considered plagiarism to quote incorrectly from another person’s writing.

E-learning class and e-book digital technology in education concept with pc computer notebook open in blur school library or classroom background among old stacks of book, textbook archive collection

Nowadays, most educational institutions include thesis papers and essays in their curriculum to test students’ understanding and knowledge of the subject. Therefore, they place the highest importance on those pieces that have original content.

Students must be careful with their projects. Therefore, students should focus on producing an essay based on their original ideas. Teachers can check the essay for any duplicate content using an essay plagiarism checker.

There are occasions when students choose to use parts of another piece of writing to validate their essays. In this case, students must keep track of their reference material to avoid any unintentional plagiarism. They must use quotation marks for those parts along with an official citation.

Furthermore, you might have violated copyright without realizing it. Contrary to what most students believe, this happens frequently. You can use the best online APIs to ensure your paper is entirely original and prevent this from happening by doing so. Here we recommend you using Plaraphy API.

How Plaraphy will ensure you avoid plagiarism?

With the aid of cutting-edge AI, Plaraphy serves as both a plagiarism detector and a paraphrasing API to assist you in coming up with fresh ways to express the concepts you want to use in your text. By reviewing it and suggesting new sentences for your essay, this saas can ensure that your paper is completely free of plagiarism. By doing this, you can spot and steer clear of text that has already been published or duplicated.

Additionally, its fluency mode makes sure the text is readable and error-free and provides you with a number of synonyms you can use in place of any copied words. As a result, it can rewrite your text while preserving its meaning. We therefore heartily advise students who value accuracy and perfection to use this paraphrasing API.

Plaraphy’s AI Rewriter is unlimited, so feel free to use it as frequently as you like! Follow these simple instructions, and you’ll have new text in no time!

1- Click here to start using the AI Plagiarism Checker. You don’t need to register in order to use it.
2- Choose whether to rewrite, analyze, or summarize your content in step two. If you select this option, you must also specify the mode in which the text should be rewritten (Standard, Fluency, or Creative).
3- Fill in the blanks with the text you want to replace by typing, pasting, or uploading it.

That quick and easy! You’ll soon be making API requests! Depending on your subscription, you might also be limited to a certain number of API queries each month. Click here to view Plaraphy’s pricing options and select the best package for you.

With this information in hand, you can always use Plaraphy API to focus your company on the requirements of the customers you want to draw in and keep!

You might also be interested in: Detect and Resolve Unintentional Plagiarism Using These Tools

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

