Best Alternatives To ZoomInfo For B2B Customer Data Enrichment
3 min readJan 4, 2022

If you’re looking for the top ZoomInfo alternatives for B2B Customer Data Enrichment, you should read this article.

Nowadays it is too important to get data from your customer in order to understand your clients, tailor your service, enhance sales, and improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. With it, your business will grow and you will be able to differentiate yourself from the competition since you will be able to decide what tactics may be established based on the needs of your clients.

Many companies are using an Application Programming Interface (API) in their business because this technology allows them to gather information in real-time. An API is a messenger that transmits your request to the service provider and then delivers the result.

This technology uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is one of the most accurate and comprehensive technology. It provides you information about each prospect, allowing you to anticipate their actions and respond appropriately.

However, there are many APIs available online, not all of them work in the same way or have the same integrations. That’s why we compiled a list of the top APIs for you; as a consequence, your business will perform better.


Klazify is the best software for customer data since it uses an application programming interface to collect data and categorize it by URL, email address, or domain (API). Because it collects data in an automated manner, this API is quite accurate when it comes to sorting data. It extracts, among other things, logos, information, market classifications, and domain security levels.

Klazify captures the most accurate data and generates over 385 topic groups using the industry-standard IAB V2 classification. Klazify makes integrating data into custom applications a breeze. This software provides JSON, Python, and PHP examples for easy implementation.


It connects third-party data sources to your own systems and orchestrates them. Ringlead also provides you with a variety of options for enriching your audience data. Intelligent forms, fill rate reports, activity-based enrichment, third-party automation, and many other features are available.

Your quality workforce engine is RingLeads’ enrichment tool. As a result, after you’ve integrated with their platform, you’ll have total visibility into your leads in only a few minutes.


InsideView claims to deliver the appropriate data at the right moment, boosting your conversion and sale rates.

And businesses expect their data to provide them with information such as who they should target and how they should communicate with them. As a result, InsideView’s CRM platform gives you thorough profiles of your target audiences. Their data enrichment tool is genuine, rapid, and easy to use.

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