Best APIs For IPv4 Geolocation Data in 2022
4 min readDec 17, 2021

Do you want to obtain IPv4 geolocation data? Then try using these APIs!

IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4. It is the underlying technology that makes it possible for us to connect our devices to the web. Whenever a device accesses the Internet (whether it’s a PC, Mac, smartphone or another device), it is assigned a unique, numerical IP address such as

To communicate data from one computer to another through the Internet, data packets including the IP addresses of both machines must transit across the network. Computers would be unable to communicate or send data to one another if they did not have IP addresses.

An IP address carries a lot of information about a device and one of the most important data that it can provide is the geolocation of one of them. This is the mapping of an IP address to the geographic location of the internet from the connected device. It offers location information such as the nation, state, city, zip code, latitude/longitude, ISP, area code, and other information by spatially mapping the IP address.

But how can you obtain this information? Well, we highly recommend you use an API. Let us explain why.

About APIs

This is a technology that is utilized for a variety of purposes all over the world. It links two computers or apps so that they may interact and respond to a specific request. You may use this to request data for your business or personal needs, and you will receive it immediately.

There are many of them accessible for free usage, but not all of them can provide IPv4 information. As a result, you should be cautious about the one you select because making the incorrect choice might cost you time and money. To help you, we put together three of the best APIs for this purpose:

1. ipXapi

ipXapi is a highly effective geolocation program that has a database of IP information. It works with JSON, PHP, and Python. It gives a high level of accuracy in IP statistics due to its database and API as well as linked connections to well-known ISPs and databases. The API’s database is continually up-to-date because it is linked to a number of channels that offer real-time IP data.

It works with IPv4 and IPv6 and gives IP statistics about ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IPs net access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server search and much more. ipXapi is one of the best solutions for identifying IP and geolocation information. By using its database, you can obtain a wide-ranging view of IP ranges, cities, and countries that may be accessed at any time.


IP-API is a platform that allows you to target the IP address management process of your business at time. With this API, your core business operations can get automated while IP address tracking is made easier. All that can be done with the help of this efficient API available at a very economical charge.

IP-API is a unique platform that provides access to APIs from 92 countries in the world. Using this API, you will be able to retrieve data from 462+ countries with more than 17,000 variables.

3. Ipify

A simple public IP address without any limits, Ipify works flawlessly irrespective of the technology you’re using. You can use IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with this open-source API, and the great thing is that none of the visitors’ data is logged into the system.

Try their new and improved Ipify IP address API. Get free unlimited public IP addresses easily by implementing their simple open-source tools in your application. The service has a high uptime, it works across all the technological platforms and is completely free of charge to use.

Ipify offers an extremely simple and easy solution to getting a public IP address. Just point the domain at your own web servers and the problem of identifying which public IP addresses hit your site is solved.

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