Best Company Data Enrichment API Tools In 2022
4 min readDec 28, 2021

It’s critical to understand how much an API may alter a company these days. Accessing a reliable company data API is critical if your goal is to enrich your customers’ or competitors’ data and adapt the message so you can expand your business.

Merging third-party data from an external authoritative source with an existing database of first-party customer data is referred to as data enrichment. This is done by brands to improve the data they already have so they can make better judgments.

Brands obtain a better understanding of their customers’ lifestyles by incorporating data from a third party. The enriched data that results in richer and more thorough, allowing marketers to customize their communications more easily because they know more about their customers. Building the golden customer record necessitates effective data enrichment techniques.

Even the most complete dataset does not contain all of the behavioral or transactional data required to create a full single view of the client. This is why data enrichment is so important for marketing’s long-term goal of providing individualized experiences.

If you want to do data enrichment of any company, you need to employ an API, a connection between two computers or applications so they can communicate. It responds to GET requests and captures data depending on what you want.

The data enrichment API will retrieve everything it can about a firm when a user types in its name or domain name. The company’s description, geographical location, size, and even social media profiles are examples of the data it will obtain.

However, it’s important to note that not all APIs work in the same way. Because of this, here there are some of the best tools to do company data enrichment:

1- Klazify

Klazify is a common URL categorization API that is lauded for its ease of use, which allows professional and non-professional programmers alike to utilize it.

It’s an API that connects to a domain or URL, gets data, and categorizes it using an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy for one-on-one customization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and more. As a result, a category may now be assigned to the URL or domain.

To get company data, go to, register, and then paste the URL of the website you want to categorize and submit. This is how you’ll discover all you need to know about any brand you’re interested in.

Also, the Website Categorization API scans a website’s content and meta tags with a Machine Learning engine. It uses Natural Language Processing to classify information from the web into up to three categories (NLP).

2- Clearbit

ClearBit is a complete API suite for finding business information such as logos. It is a very user-friendly application with a straightforward design that displays each symbol in a logical sequence. You can quickly discover the website of any firm and contact them about your items. This program’s extensions are automatically updated to provide users with critical information.

Clearbit is a lead generation and contact generation tool. With 80 matching parameters accessible, it allows you to build out for our events based on objectives and geography. The software also improves current Salesforce data and updates it every 30 days. You may narrow down the results by name, title, department, and so on.

3- Webshrinker

Before proceeding with threat detection, Webshrinker will go to the specified domain or URL, extract its content, and categorize it using one of two taxonomies (native-Webshrinker classification or IAB taxonomy). As a result, based on the taxonomy, the URL or domain can now be allocated to a certain bucket. The Screenshot API service also captures and makes available a screenshot of the destination in a real browser (such as Chrome or Firefox).

Webshrinker is very good at detecting phishing sites, particularly ones that seem like financial websites. The image analyzing abilities of Webshrinker play a part in this. As the content is evaluated, the algorithm assigns different score values to different portions of it. If these scores are low, the algorithm is certain that the material is authentic and not phishing or deceptive. If they are excessively high, the system will classify the data as deceptive.

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