Best IP Address Location API With High Global Network Coverage
4 min readDec 2, 2021

Do you want to use an IP address location API that covers a big part of the world? Then try these ones!

The internet requires a method to distinguish between various computers, routers, and webpages. IP addresses are a one-of-a-kind identifier for a device on the internet or a local network. They contain location information and allow devices to communicate with one another.

IP addresses are represented as a string of four digits, such as Each integer in the set can have a value ranging from 0 to 255. As a result, the whole IP addressing range is to The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), a branch of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, generates and assigns them mathematically (ICANN).

With this being said, you can clearly see that there is a lot of information you can know about someone by just having their IP address. One of these things is their location, but not the exact one. Instead, IP addresses may expose the city, ZIP code, or area code of the place from where you are connected to the internet at the time — this is why IP addresses vary whenever you join from a new location or use a new router.

Knowing this can be useful to your company and how you handle the traffic that enters your website. So, how can you obtain the location of someone by their IP address? Easy, you need to use an API.

This technology is an interface that connects two computers or applications and allows them to communicate with each other. This way, you obtain real-time information about what you need to know. The API collects this data from a place and provides it to the person who made the request, or the API call.

However, it’s key that this API has high global network coverage. This means that it has to cover a big part of a region so you can know the location of different people around the world. This API can be found in many different softwares, but not all of them have this last feature. Because of that, here are three of the best ip address location API with high global network coverage:

1. ipXapi

ipXapi is a superb and efficient program for geolocation and IP address identification. It is free website monitoring software that is compatible with JSON, PHP, and Python.

It supports over 2 million unique locations in over 200.000 cities worldwide. Because of its database and API, this service provides a high level of accuracy in IP statistics. It is linked to several well-known ISPs, who frequently provide information on new and existing IP ranges. Because ipXapi is linked to a variety of channels that provide real-time IP data, the API’s database is regularly updated, with up to 24 database changes each day.

2. Geo.ipify

Geo.Ipify geolocates IP addresses and boasts 99.5 percent address space coverage with over 15 million IP locks and locations in its database. North America and Europe have the best IP address coverage. They say that they upload hundreds of thousands of additional records to their database each month in order to increase coverage. Users may identify the nation, state, location, time zone, city, postal code, and other information based on their IP address. Users can use this service and submit up to 1,000 inquiries each month without incurring any payment obligations.

3. Whoisxmlapi

WhoisXML collects data from numerous organizations in order to locate the most IP addresses and collect the most information. This corporation claims to own more than 99.05% of the IP space today (including IPv4 and IPv6). Country, area, city, postal code, latitude and longitude, timezone, and an array of domains linked with IP addresses are all supplied. This API is simple to use since it is compatible with a variety of programming languages, including Java, PHP, C#, NodeJS, Javascript, Perl, Ruby, and Python.

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