Best IP Checker APIs For Small Businesses
4 min readMar 28, 2022

Are you looking for the perfect IP checker API? Then you should definitely check these ones.

But first, let’s explain how IP checkers APIs work. With them, you can get any information about an IP by using IP to geolocation, which is a method of determining the location of visitors to your website based on their IP address. Using this information, you may deliver a tailored user experience by tailoring your website’s content to your clients’ geographic location.

You can, for example, connect customers to sites that are properly translated in their language or present different product offers to consumers from various places. Converting IP addresses to geolocation is also useful for location-specific and targeted advertising. As a result, consumer engagement, conversion rates, and corporate income all improve.

The mapping of IP addresses from internet-connected devices to their actual location in the real world is referred to as IP address geolocation. This mapping may be completed rapidly with the aid of an IP geolocation lookup tool. The user’s location is quickly geographically mapped when using an IP address search tool, and particular location information is offered.

The geographical position of a user’s device is displayed through IP geolocation. However, it may only provide an approximation of your real position. It will not also reveal your location unless you have the gadget with you. So, if you’re out and about with your mobile device, IP-based geolocation will provide you with information about your whereabouts throughout the day.

But how are you going to pull this off? To begin, you must find an API that matches your needs. There are a number of them available online, and each one works differently, making it tough to choose between them all.

About APIs

API stands for Application Programming Interface. They are a set of methods and procedures that allow for the creation of applications that access data and features of other programs, services, or operating systems.

An API is a software interface that enables two programs to interact with one another without the need for human intervention. An API is a piece of software code that may be accessed or executed and is defined as a piece of code that allows two independent software applications to communicate and exchange data with one another.

So, if you’re seeking for an IP checker API for your small business, here are a few options:

1. ipXapi

ipXapi is a free website monitoring program that also functions as an advanced geolocation and IP address identification tool. This service gives a high level of accuracy in IP statistics due to its database and API. It is connected to several well-known ISPs, who give regular updates on new and current IP ranges. Because ipXapi is linked to numerous channels that offer real-time IP data, the API’s database is updated on a daily basis, with up to 24 database changes per day.

It supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and it provides IP data such as ping response time and location, device type and connection speed, hostname resolution, DNS control, IP network access details, SSL certificate information, WHOIS name server lookup, and many other capabilities. You may access its database at any moment to obtain a complete picture of IP addresses, cities, and nations.

2. Maxmind

Maxmind is an option that offers both an accurate IP locator and a fraudulent detection in the same service, as well as one of the top IP address lookups and IP geolocation APIs. Because it combines ad targeting with a fraud detector and personalised assistance, this method is perfect for many firms.

This may assist your business since it allows you to review your website’s traffic analysis to validate that your pages are receiving visits, which may signal that you should update certain low-traffic pages.

3. Abstract API

Abstract API is simple to use and set up, owing to excellent documentation, numerous substantial libraries, and tutorials. Because of their connection with several ISPs all around the world, they are able to supply you with data that is always up to date. They have both IPv4 and IPv6 address geolocation databases.

In addition to geographical information, Abstract API will provide you with information about the user’s time zone, current time, and much more. It is also excellent for managing bulk queries because it supports CSV uploads.

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