Best redaction alternatives with rephraser APIs
3 min readApr 26, 2022

Did you arrive yesterday in the world of rephraser APIs? Do you want to star and you don’t know how? Keep reading and find out the best alternatives!

We’re experiencing some kind of explosion regarding rephraser APIs. There are too many options out there, and you can lose a lot of time trying each of them until finding something that matches your necessities.

If your job is about writing every day or editing texts from someone else, a rephraser tool is a necessary part of your routine. As much important as a pen and a liquid corrector for handwriting. And if it’s possible to incorporate it into your rewriting program or as an extension to your server, you can save a lot of time and memory from your device.

In the next paragraphs, you’ll see a caring selection of the best possibilities regarding text elaboration. The prices, the features and the accessibility were the criteria to choose them.

Rephraser APIs

Top three of the best redaction alternatives with these rephraser APIs

  • Plaraphy is among the most simplistic API on the market. But simple doesn’t mean incomplete or fragmentary. With this tool, you’ll have all the principal features required when starting a new text. If you look into its website:, you can find the possibility of using it without a cost and two hundred characters to try.
rephraser APIs

Generally, its most sought-after features are sentiment analysis, a text summarizer and a rephraser. With the last option, you need to pick a mode for the change: they go from standard writing style to creative. We strongly recommend this one!

rephraser APIs
  • SpinBot is available for your server, on its website, through a mobile APP or an API. You can try it for free or subscribe to a paid plan with no captchas or ads while you’re using it. It has a sale price depending on the subscription you’ll opt for. You can check all the alternatives here: It’s recommended for students and developers too. It prevents you from plagiarism, and you can also choose the length of the paraphrase, whether you prefer it longer or shorter. And the last thing, soon it will have a translation tool for international users.
rephraser APIs
  • Editpad is a web tool with a more rustic appearance than the other APIs already discussed. Its website landing page is less current. It also has an application for Android. Also, there you’ll find the button to create a new text or upload a document. Besides, you don’t need to install it to finish the rephrasing. Perhaps, its most advanced feature is the capability to convert pdfs or other documents to handwritten texts. Now, you can forget about messy college notes with Editpad.

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