Best Scraping Tools For Data Extraction
3 min readMar 22, 2022

Do you want to use an API to recover customers’ information? These are the best scraping tools for data extraction.

To start with, we need to define what is a web scraping tool. It is the technique of obtaining structured web data in an automated manner. For sure, you have done the same tasks as a web scraper if you’ve ever copied and pasted information from a webpage, although on a small, manual scale. Web scraping, in contrast to the tedious of manually collecting information, employs technology automation to harvest millions of data points from the internet’s seemingly infinite frontier.

Furthermore, APIs for data extraction have a lot of possible applications, such as pricing monitoring, price intelligence, news monitoring, lead creation, and market research. Web data extraction is utilized by people and companies who seek to make better decisions by utilizing a large amount of publicly available web data.

MacBook Pro showing programming language

As we have seen, an application programming interface (API) is becoming extremely important for industries that need to collect data from their customers and competitors. However, you need to look carefully at each web scraping tool offered on the internet. There is a big variety of prices, features, and platforms for this kind of tools. As a consequence, here we show you the best scraping tools for data extraction.

1. Codery

The Codery API crawls a website and extracts all of its structured data. You only need to provide the URL and they will take care of the rest. In the form of an auto-filling spreadsheet, extract specific data from any webpage. As well, this API has millions of reliable proxies available to acquire information required without fear of being blocked.

Using Codery, with a single request, the scale search engine crawls pages. To manage all types of websites, use a real browser to scrape and handle all of the javascript that runs on the page. Finally, Codery has a variety of prices, with blocking Images and CSS from websites included.

2. Page2API

Page2API is a versatile API that offers you a variety of facilities and features. Firstly, you are able to scrape web pages and convert HTML into well-organized JSON structure. Moreover, you can launch long-running scraping sessions in the background and receive the obtained data via a webhook (callback URL).

Page2API presents a custom scenario, where you can build a set of instructions that will wait for specific elements, execute javascript, handle pagination, and much more. For hard-to-scrape websites, they offer the possibility to use Premium (Residential) Proxies, located in 138 countries around the world.

3. Scraping Bot

Scraping Bot is a web scraping API that allows you to retrieve HTML content without being restricted. Retail APIs (to retrieve a product description, price, and currency), Real Estate APIs (to collect property details, such as a purchase or rental price, surface, and location), and others.

The features that include Scraping Bot are the API is simple to integrate, the plan is reasonable. Scraping using headless browsers from websites written in Angular JS, Ajax, JS, React JS, and other languages. Besides, it supports proxy servers and browsers.

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