Best Web Scraping Tools For Data Extraction In 2022
3 min readMar 18, 2022


Do you want to extract data from any website? You should read this article in order to understand how web scraping works.

First, Web scraping is simply the technique of collecting data from the internet. Web scraping tools allow users to automatically scrape structured data from the internet for examination. Web scraping tools are used for a variety of tasks, including market research data collection, extraction of contact information, price tracking from a number of different markets, and news Observation.

As we can see this technology can be really useful for companies because they can extract useful data from any website in real-time and the majority of data on the Internet is unstructured. As a result, we’ll need mechanisms in place to extract useful information from it.

On the other hand, we know that it can be difficult to find a perfect API according to your needs. That’s why we recommend these web scraping APIs as the most complete and easy to use.


The Codery API crawls a website and extracts all of its structured data. You only need to provide the URL and they will take care of the rest. In the form of an auto-filling spreadsheet, extract specific data from any webpage.

Using Codery, with a single request, the scale search engine crawls pages. To manage all types of websites, use a real browser to scrape and handle all of the javascript that runs on the page.

2-Scraping Bot

Scraping Bot is a web scraping API that allows you to retrieve HTML content without being restricted. Retail APIs (to retrieve a product description, price, and currency), Real Estate APIs (to collect property details, such as a purchase or rental price, surface, and location), and others.

The features that include Scraping Bot are the API is simple to integrate, the plan is reasonable. Scraping using headless browsers from websites written in Angular JS, Ajax, JS, React JS, and other languages. Besides, proxy servers and browsers are supported.

3-Scraper API

Scraper API is a set of tools for web scrapers created by designers. It supports browsers, proxies, and CAPTCHAs, allowing you to get raw HTML from any website with a single API call.

Scraper API’s main features include the ability to render Javascript, ease of integration, and geolocated Rotating Proxies. To construct scalable web scrapers, you’ll need a lot of speed and reliability.

Originally published at

