Big Data: Everything It Can Contribute And The Best API To Get It
4 min readJul 21, 2022


The data is available. Companies, customers, and the market all continuously produce data. You may either let them wander off on their own or use them to your advantage to get more. Learn how to utilize it by reading Big Data: Everything It Can Contribute And The Best API To Get It.

What is Big Data? What is it used for?

Every day more data is generated. The Internet of Things is not something imaginary and you can already track your sleeping habits or the number of calories you burn when you go running. The term Big Data first appeared in the 1960s but is now taking on new importance.

In this article, we will try to solve all your doubts and questions. What is big data? By definition, Big Data is data sets of great variety, which are generated in large volumes and at an ever-increasing speed. Did you know that an airplane engine generates more than 10 terabytes of data in just 30 minutes of flight? And how many flights are there in a day? This means that each day there are several new petabytes of information. Photo and video uploads, messages, and comments on Facebook generate several hundred terabytes of new data every day. The sum of all this makes a lot of data, right? Well, that is what we call Big Data.

Data sources: where does this large amount of data come from?

Big Data is generated through many of the activities we carry out on a daily basis. Therefore, the data sources are truly diverse: GPS devices, facial recognition sensors, and emails are just a few examples.

Most people use some kind of technology or online services like Gmail or Facebook. These companies allow us to send and exchange data and, in turn, use the data that we provide them.

In other words, online services, websites, apps, and many other devices are constantly analyzing data to make their services more efficient and to develop new products. And for this, they use Big Data tools and services to analyze and process massive data in order to improve their offer.

But it doesn’t stop there. One day someone thought: “Why don’t we use big data so that the machines can learn by themselves?” This is how automatic learning, or machine learning, was born, which also began to generate more data. Take advantage of Big Data, check Site Traffic API.

Leverage Big Data With Site Traffic API

Site Traffic API offers a JSON API to estimate website traffic statistics. It includes website worth/value and monthly page views, in addition to unique visitors, site revenue (from advertising), and more. Equally important, you can integrate this API into your services to provide traffic statistics to your clients. As well, you can use it to quickly estimate the amount of traffic to any website.

This is a very powerful algorithm that can estimate the amount of traffic to any website. It took years to fine-tune it to be as accurate as possible and we constantly improve it. Powered by SimilarWeb, this website analytics tool can help businesses to estimate the website traffic volume of competitors; while media/advertising agencies and SEO agencies can use it to check the traffic of any website.

Simple Pricing

Site Traffic API offers a “Pay-as-You-Go” plan that allows you to buy only API queries you need, there are no recurring or hidden fees and purchased queries do not expire. When you submit a website, i.e, to our API endpoint, it is considered one API query. So if you need to scan 1000 websites, you need 1000 API queries. The more API queries you buy the less you pay them.

Want to learn more about Site Traffic API?

For additional information on how to take advantage of the Site Traffic API, go to the FAQ on Site Traffic or check Use This Site Traffic API To Measure The Performance Of Your Site

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