Big Data Is Important In The Day-To-Day Of Your Company
4 min readJul 20, 2022

The information is there. The market, customers, and companies… constantly generate data. And there are two options: let them get lost or take advantage of them to get more out of them. Continue reading Big Data Is Important In The Day-To-Day Of Your Company and start discovering how to take advantage of it.

About Big Data

Broadly speaking, big data is something like a huge amount of data, millions, that are beyond manual control. Until very recently, this technology was a matter of large organizations. Now, there are already many companies that offer the advantages of this technology to SMEs.

First of all, knowledge. “Data is the new gold,” say experts. It is the oil of the future and knowing how to store and interpret that information gives it a wide advantage over those that do not.

Also, power. Whoever has the data, has control. And everything that cannot be measured cannot be improved. Having data, and information, provides companies with better, faster, more objective, more quantitative, and profitable decision-making, either because it saves costs or increases revenue. Thanks to making better decisions, you improve the quality and level of service or reduce incidents.

And, above all, as an element of survival. Previously, this technology was optional. If you could access it, you could use it. But now, if you don’t have it, you will be at a disadvantage and out of the market in no time, because you are not only competing with companies of your size and position but also against giants. Now the fast fish will eat the slow one.

Big Data Is Important In The Day-To-Day Of Your Company

We must not forget that talking about big data implies a wide range of techniques and tools of a certain complexity, which exploit a volume of data so large that it cannot be treated with traditional methods of analysis and storage.

This technology offers less bias in decisions, because the larger the data sample, the lower the chance that the data will deceive us, either because it contains errors, or because it does not highlight the aspects that are really interesting. And also, a greater value of my data, because the greater the volume of data to be statistically analyzed, the more and better information we can extract, since it is possible to find more subtle patterns and dependencies between different factors that we would otherwise overlook.

When talking about data, experts say, we refer to different sources of information that will help us make decisions: Internal information handled by the company, generated from its operations, sales, use of its website, etc. Data is generated externally by the target audience or society, such as social networks or the online world in general. And external data about the environment, such as those offered by Geoblink, to contextualize internal sales data in retail establishments.

Exploiting this type of analytics can benefit a business in several ways:

In the first place, the anticipation, prediction of peaks in demand, etc. You can even react quickly to fluctuations in the market and adjust the offer or prices dynamically and at the right time. Second, market segmentation makes it possible to optimize the promotion and sales strategy. And thirdly, decisions based on reliable data allow the minimization of errors. All this leads to cost savings by focusing all efforts where they are truly important instead of where I thought they were important.

Check Site Traffic API To Leverage Big Data In Your Company

Site Traffic API offers a JSON API to estimate website traffic statistics. It includes website worth/value and monthly page views, in addition to unique visitors, site revenue (from advertising), and more. Equally important, you can integrate this API into your services to provide traffic statistics to your clients. As well, you can use it to quickly estimate the amount of traffic to any website.

This is a very powerful algorithm that can estimate the amount of traffic to any website. It took years to fine-tune it to be as accurate as possible and we constantly improve it. Powered by SimilarWeb, this website analytics tool can help businesses to estimate the website traffic volume of competitors; while media/advertising agencies and SEO agencies can use it to check the traffic of any website.

Simple Pricing

Site Traffic API offers a “Pay-as-You-Go” plan that allows you to buy only API queries you need, there are no recurring or hidden fees and purchased queries do not expire. When you submit a website, i.e, to our API endpoint, it is considered one API query. So if you need to scan 1000 websites, you need 1000 API queries. The more API queries you buy the less you pay them.

Want to learn more about Site Traffic API?

For additional information on how to take advantage of the Site Traffic API, go to the FAQ on Site Traffic or check Use This Site Traffic API To Measure The Performance Of Your Site

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