Block Fake Disposable Email Addresses With This API
3 min readJul 18, 2022


If you want to eliminate fake disposable email addresses on your mailing list, stay here. I will tell you about an email verification API for this.

The Relevance Of Email

Right now the world is filled with platforms that facilitate communications between companies and individuals from all over the world. Email is the perfect example of such a statement. After all, it is one of the main ways of communication companies use to interact with their customers.

Therefore, since email is such an important part of companies, they foment clients and possible clients to provide their email. Consequently, firms can provide them with information. For example, new products, discounts, important dates, and more! This call to action can be done for example through forms on social media that ask people to deliver their email addresses.

The Threat Of Disposable Email Addresses

Evidently, companies take seriously their performance through email. Therefore, they invest money into carrying out a good execution. This means providing good content to their mailing list, giving exclusive information that not all buyers receive, and more. Consequently, this ends up creating a more strong affiliation between the company and the clients.

Of course, an aspect that is extremely important for companies is the results of how well or not the use of email is working. For example, if they have a good open rate These are results that can be injured by the intrusion of fake disposable email addresses. Sadly, these types of users are more common than you could ever imagine.

Disposable Email Addresses

Block Those Disposable Email Addresses

This subtitle is quite literal and I will tell you why. Disposable email addresses will directly hurt your company. This is due to the fact that the bounce rate of your emails will be extremely high because there is no one behind the email. On top of that, this kind of email can open the door to dangerous viruses and bugs. Also, your company’s investments will go towards non-existent clients. Hence, no actual person with the desire of buying.

As you can see, there is not a single positive aspect of disposable email addresses. Therefore, companies need to be able to identify them and block them. Thankfully, there exists email APIs that provide such actions and features.

E-Mail Verificator and Temp Emails Detector

With the introduction of this temporary emails detector API, you will be able to identify those troubling disposable email addresses. The API has the ability to distinguish between accurate emails and disposable ones. Hence, with its action, you will make sure that your effort will go towards possible goals.

Moreover, the verification API will also tell you if there are some kind of mistakes in the emails on your mailing list. This aspect will help you understand better your bounce rate numbers.

To Use The API:

-Click this link

- Next, in the documentation area you must paste the email or domain.

-The API will give you an answer immediately!

- Now combat those disposable email addresses.

Good luck and try the Email Verificator and Temporary Emails Detector APIs!

Disposable Email Addresses

