Can I Use A Lead Data Enrichment API To Boost My Sales Plan?
3 min readSep 8, 2021

The term “lead” has several definitions. For some businesses, a “lead” is a contact who has already been identified as a potential customer, whilst for others, a “lead” is any sales contact.

However, a lead has the potential to become a future client. To maintain a high conversion rate, sales teams must convert the greatest number of leads possible.

So how can I take advantage of my Lead Data?

Data enrichment (DE) is the practice of mixing publicly available data about a prospect with information already stored in your CRM.

DE solutions collect and populate this data, providing you with extra context and insights into your potential clients. You may use that information to construct truly tailored sales workflows.

Considering this strategy, the easiest way to get the information you are looking for is through

Zyla is an API-enabled platform that uses machine learning to categorize every data your company requires

How Zyla Works

Zyla Company Classification API receives a URL as an input and returns information about the company category connected with it. This API analyzes a company’s website and categorizes it into one of 385+ IAB V2 standard-based topic groups.

It allows you to categorize and search for information in an email, a company, or a website (up to three layers). With just one email, you can acquire a full name, avatar, address, company size, company logo, company category, and corporate social network connections.

Major Attributes

  • Shorten forms by hiding or auto-filling fields while collecting data
  • Level-up engagement by sending emails tailored to the job role, or any of our 100+ data points.
  • Maintain your lead database renewed by refreshing all of your records monthly to warrant you always have the most up-to-date information.

Use for these cases:

  • Zyla Text generates a list of content categories that apply to the text in it.
  • With Zyla Text, data capturing at scale is simplified, and document processing costs are minimized.
  • Capitalize each customer’s email or domain into an enriched company profile and industry.
  • Web Filtering and Fraud Detection: this API uses pro machine learning to classify billions of domains into 385+ different topics (IAB V2 standard).
  • Sort products into different categories:

Zyla Image predicts the class of an object in an image so you can precisely identify the properties in an image. You can use this to sort real products into categories (brands, used or new products, etc).

  • Moderation of video:

Zyla Video can assist you to detect undesired or objectionable content. Use this API to create a secure user experience, provide brand safety assurances to advertisers, and comply with local and international standards.

Originally published at

