Categorization APIs: the Ideal Choice for Filtering & Security
3 min readJun 9, 2022

Choose a categorization API as the perfect choice for filtering information &security!

A business can benefit from using categorization for security and filtering by removing unnecessary information, separating confidential material from non-confidential material, increasing data retrieval rates, and ensuring that employees only see what they need to see.

Categorization is important for the security and filtering of systems. It helps the business to control what kind of documents they are receiving and process them efficiently.

Categorization is the process of organizing information. In respect to business, categorization will help a company in many ways. By using categories you can organize the data that you have in your business and make it easier to find the information when you need it. It will also prevent security issues that may arise if the data is not organized correctly. Filtering useful data will provide more accurate results when researching or finding whatever it is you are looking for within your business software.

Categorization APIs

Website categorization refers to the practice of dividing websites that consumers come into contact with into numerous categories. These categories range from the industry to which they belong to more detailed explanations of their content.

Web classification is one of the simplest methods to keep undesirable websites away from your network. It is also a wonderful approach to protect yourself from brand abuse and even categorize customers to personalize content.

Some website categorization systems offer cybersecurity features, though not all. For example, a complete tool can warn you if a website contains spammy or sensitive content. Even people who are unable to do so can help your IT administrators block suspected phishing sites from your network. Filtering access to shopping websites, for example, is one way to increase employee productivity.

While using a web categorization tool is easy, choosing the best tool for your organization’s needs is not always straightforward. For this reason, we recommend using platforms that do the work for us and take the complications out of our hands. A widely used website is Klazify.

To better explain how an API works, we recommend Klazify, as we believe it is the most complete.


To use it, you need to:

1. Go to and sign in to get an API key. You can also try the software without login in, but we highly recommend you to do it.

2. Paste the URL of the company you want to check on the space given, confirm that you’re not a robot and submit it.

3. Then, you’ll obtain the API answer in some programming languages.

Have This In Mind

If you want to use Klazify, please note that its product supports both base domain URLs and full path URLs. The first is the domain name and top-level domain (TLD), such as The second corresponds to a specific location and allows for extremely deep analysis and classification of web information at the specified address.


How Klazify’s API Can Help Categorize Websites —

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