Check This Text Classification API
3 min readSep 7, 2022


One of the concepts of web development that cannot be missing from our Internet dictionary is the meaning of taxonomy. Do you know what it is? In a few words, it is the organization and classification of content in a space; it can be a blog, a sales page, an information page, or whatever. If we talk about organizing content, we are talking about taxonomy. Continue reading Check This Text Classification API, we will tell you more about this and about IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy: an extremely intuitive tool to improve your taxonomic performance.

Taxonomy on a website: What is it?

The definition of taxonomy as such is the organization structure of information through categories and subcategories, with the aim of classifying the different things that have characteristics in common.

Taxonomies are especially useful on web pages; since they allow content to be organized, both in the eyes of the user and Google, for a better experience and accessibility.

When is it useful? It is really useful to be able to organize the content and find what we are looking for intuitively. Also to reduce the interactions we would need to find what we are looking for.

Why is it important for web pages tohave taxonomies?

The truth is that it is recommended for several reasons. First of all, because of the user experience, it offers simpler structures to navigate, with logic, and makes the user enjoy and find everything instantly, just as he wants. Otherwise, he might tire of the fatal experience and go somewhere else.

A happy user is likely to come back and recommend the website. Word of mouth has always worked and, in this case, too. At the same time, if Google detects that the user stays and does not go to another site, it will value it.

In terms of SEO, it is also essential to consider this type of organization. It is a way of facilitating the work of Google spiders, telling them what they have to position and how, since it facilitates the structures and eliminates the problems of keyword cannibalization.

If the browsing experience is positive, the bounce time is reduced and other web metrics are improved, increasing the possibility of conversion. In short, using taxonomies is a good, beautiful, and cheap practice.

Considerations to keep in mind of the product taxonomy

In short, within any online store, it is very important to have a clear and developed product classification. The product attributes themselves serve to create dynamic elements that favor the shopping experience. Correct categorization not only improves SEO and organic positioning, but it is also a feature valued by users when exploring a website. All these aspects improve user interaction and that translates into a higher rate of customer retention and conversions.

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Check This Text Classification API:

Text Classification IAB Taxonomy

The Content Taxonomy has evolved over time to provide publishers with a consistent and easy way to organize their website content. For example, to differentiate “sports” vs. “news” vs. “wellness” material. IAB Tech Lab’s Content Taxonomy specification provides additional utility for minimizing the risk that content categorization signals could generate sensitive data points about some things. Some examples are race, politics, religion, or other personal characteristics that could result in discrimination.

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Classify Any Text You Want And Improve Your Business With This API

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