Digital nomads: Top 10 best cities to live
5 min readJan 1, 2019


It has never been so easy to explore the world while earning money, so the biggest challenge is deciding where to go.

Digital nomads enjoy the freedom to go almost anywhere and deliver work for clients around the world with just a laptop, internet connection and some applications.

Are you thinking about starting a new life while traveling? You could spin a globe and see where your finger falls.

Or you can continue reading. We have chosen the best and most varied cities for international freelance workers. This choice is based on connectivity, the cost of living, the freelance and entrepreneurial culture, the climate and the natural beauty of the place.

And, of course, how well you can spend it in your free time.

10. Wellington (New Zealand).

The capital of New Zealand stands out in the region for international freelancers.

Australia and New Zealand are two of the main destinations for backpackers, but they are not as suitable for digital nomads due to connectivity. The capital of New Zealand is a great example thanks to its fast internet and the most affordable cost of living in the continent.

That is why the city has attracted the most important digital companies in the country, as well as freelancers from all over the world. The shared work spaces have experienced a dramatic increase in recent years to try to meet the demand, but Wellington also has more cafes, bars and restaurants per person than New York.

9. New York (United States).

“If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere” (if I can get it here, I can get it anywhere), Frank Sinatra sang about New York. This also applies to international freelance workers.

New York is one of the most exciting and globally connected places on earth.

Let’s not get confused, it’s a difficult city for digital nomads, but the opportunities here are endless. There are plenty of networking events to be able to meet clients and partners with whom you could continue to work for a long time after having moved to a more sunny and affordable city.

Make your life there easier by downloading these essential applications for expatriates in New York.

8. Cape Town (South Africa).

If you can not choose between the beach, the mountain or a lively city, this place has all three things.

The Mother City of South Africa has an incredible beauty and enjoys nine months of summer.

The city has greatly improved as a destination for digital nomads, despite not having the fastest internet or the most reliable power supply. The region has earned the nickname of Silicon Cape due to its emerging technological environment.

There are new shared work spaces, but you can make your friends die of envy by posting photos while working from a pool, a wine farm, a beach or Table Mountain as a backdrop.

7. Tallin (Estonia).

Access to the internet is a human right in this modern and entrepreneurial city.

Tallin has become one of the startup capitals of Europe and was recently awarded as the best city in Europe to find work. International freelancers enjoy their low cost of living, the widespread use of English and high-speed Internet access.

Connecting to the internet is also easy, since there is a public WiFi network available and most cafeterias have internet. There are also excellent shared work spaces at your disposal.

After work, you can always find a party in the medieval old town or in the modern district of Kalamaja where you will meet other independent and creative professionals among the reconverted factories.

6. Berlin (Germany).

Berlin is welcoming, modern and affordable for international freelancers.

This once divided city is now very open to the world and the previously empty warehouses have been transformed into peculiar places to live, work and have fun.

That is why Berlin has become a very welcoming creative international center for digital nomads. It has a large amount of affordable accommodation and shared work spaces, as well as a vibrant cultural scene and a remarkable nightlife.

Here you have your essential applications for expats in Berlin.

5. Barcelona (Spain).

You will have no problem finding a desk and internet connection in Barcelona.

The need sharpens ingenuity and the international freelance community of Spain has developed over the last few years in response to the country’s difficult employment prospects.

There are good cities for digital nomads throughout the Iberian Peninsula, but Barcelona boasts of being one of the cities in the world with more spaces for teamwork where the people of the city and foreigners can work side by side.

It is ideal for digital nomads who seek to improve the balance between work and personal life. There is a thriving cultural scene and sun almost all year round so you can enjoy the surrounding beaches and mountains.

4. London (United Kingdom).

They say that if you are tired of London, you are tired of life.

There is so much to see and do in this thriving city of almost 9 million people. And what is most important for freelancers, there are hundreds of creative agencies and countless global companies where you can find work.

Of course, London is not the cheapest place to live, but it provides great opportunities for digital nomads to gain experience and contacts. You and your computer will be very well received in the cafeterias and in the modern shared work spaces throughout the city.

3. Budapest (Hungary).

There are many reasons to love Budapest, but international freelance workers will especially enjoy their cost of living.

Budapest is one of the cheapest capitals in Europe and has a large amount of accommodation for international visitors. That is why it attracts digital nomads from all over the world, which has led to a boom in shared work spaces.

It is also a very sociable city with many outdoor bars in summer. Ideal to relax with local people and other freelance workers.

2. Florianópolis (Brazil).

Floripa, as it is known locally, is an island paradise with a prosperous entrepreneurial scene.

It is not the largest or best-known Brazilian city, but it is the most valued among the digital nomads. It is often described as a mini-river because of its beauty, vitality and active outdoor lifestyle, although Floripa is much safer and has a higher quality of life.

Floripa is also an emerging technology center, which is why international freelancers will appreciate the greater connectivity, the more widespread use of English and the abundance of shared work spaces.

1. Chiang Mai (Thailand).

This ancient city excels in almost all the requirements for international freelance workers.

Thailand has a large digital nomadic population due to its very low cost of living, fast internet, warm weather and good food. Bangkok, Pai and Ko Lanta are very popular, but Chiang Mai is the winner among international freelancers.

Chiang Mai is a city full of temples in the north of Thailand surrounded by mountains, lush forests and rice fields. It has a more traditional atmosphere and a slower pace of life than coastal cities, but the digital nomadic population exceeds 3,000 people.

It may seem that there are more shared work spaces than temples, but coffee shops also have free WiFi and are full of international freelancers. The digital nomads also celebrate networking events with assiduity.

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