Discover How Much Cost Palladium In Canadian Dollar Employing An API
3 min readMar 25, 2022

Would you like to receive the latest palladium prices in Canadian currency? If your answer is yes, we strongly recommend you read this post!

Palladium has never been a cheap metal. It is a rare mineral in the world but it has endless applications. As there was a significant increase in demand, obviously, their prices rose stratospherically. To give you an idea, it is currently 30% more expensive than gold itself! And this without taking into account that until a few weeks ago it was at its all-time high.

But why is it so valuable? Simply because its physicochemical properties make it ideal for use in catalytic converters for gasoline and diesel cars. And also in the capacitors and other components of our electronic devices. On the other hand, it is also useful in the world of jewelry, photography, dentistry and even for investors.

However, keeping up to date with palladium prices is extremely important. To give an example, a few weeks ago the cost of palladium was 4,183 Canadian dollars, but currently it costs 3,164, that is, a drop of 32% in just weeks. This sudden change in prices can be very detrimental, especially for those industries that require palladium.

For this reason, Canadians who wish to have up-to-date palladium prices in their own currency should use this particular API. Its name is Metals-API.

You should try Metals-API!

Metals-API is a great resource for investors, traders, and anyone else interested in buying, selling, or trading metals. It allows you to acquire current worldwide market values for any metal, with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency as high as every 60 seconds. With this technology, you will be able to decide the best time to invest in palladium. By the way, Metals-API is capable of delivering accurate exchange rate data for Precious Metals, in 170 world currencies, including Canadian Dollar.

In order to use an account, you must first create an account and choose one of the 7 available plans. Don’t worry, one of them is free. Choose carefully, each one has its advantages and disadvantages, but the more expensive the plan, the better its benefits.

One last warning, the prices that appear there, are annual, not monthly.

Originally published at

