Discover The 3 Best Platforms To Create A Great Email Marketing Campaign
3 min readJul 21, 2022


Are you looking for an API, website or platform that allows you to create an email marketing campaign? There are many available in the market, but not all of them are of premium quality. Therefore, here we have 3 examples of good email marketing tools.

A powerful form of communication with your potential customers is Email Marketing because through this channel the connection is direct with them and the chances of generating the conversion are much higher and in many cases more effective. There are many who believe that with the birth of new Digital Marketing tools, such as social networks, Email Marketing is dying, but this is not the case because this technique is still one of the fundamental pillars in your strategy and if you do it in an adequate, it will generate great results for your company, business or store.

In fact, according to a study by “McKinsey & Company” email is almost 40 times better for acquiring new customers than social networks. Likewise, “Harris Interactive” assures that audiences like email and that 81% of those surveyed said they were very likely to make additional purchases, either online or in stores, as a result of received emails. The fact that organizations who send more than 100,000 emails each month enjoy a 94 percent return on that investment is yet another indicator that email is more relevant than ever. These statistics make it quite evident that email marketing is an essential component of your plan.

Although there are many tools and platforms capable of creating email marketing, not all of them are of good quality. That is why we will bring you 3 of the best that are available in the vast internet market.

The Best Email Marketing Tools

Postr: If something characterizes this system, it is its impressive numbers, which it obtained in 3 years of existence. 50,000 companies helped and 56 million emails were sent. In addition, it is one of the cheapest platforms on the market, much cheaper than other competitors. It even includes a no-cost plan so you can try the main features of this platform. Finally, within the website, you will find a guide with very useful tips to carry out a successful email marketing campaign. Otherwise, you can consult with customer service.

Email Octopus: It is a very popular email marketing platform, which aims to provide simple and intuitive software. They offer customizable templates in the same drag-and-drop editor. It also allows you to start campaigns from scratch. It’s highly deliverable, offers custom reporting, and the ability to drip mailing sequences, import contacts, and integrate with forms. Currently, it has 2 plans, one of which is paid.

ConvertKit: is a provider of mailing services. It is especially focused on servicing bloggers, podcasters, and other businesses that are building audiences. It’s perfect for bloggers who want to send personalized text-based emails because the designs resemble those of Gmail. Particularly for individuals who want to execute highly focused advertising, this tool is advised. You can run automated campaigns for highly specific contact groups using this platform’s powerful segmentation and labeling technology.

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