Do You Have A Search API? Sell It On This Marketplace!
3 min readSep 2, 2022

Do you have a search API? Would you like to be able to sell your services and thus get a lot of money? Well, the solution to all this is to publish it in an API marketplace, the best option for API developers looking to monetize their products!

API stands for “Application Programming Interface”. An API provides a set of commands, functions, and protocols to facilitate software programming. These predefined functions simplify the programmer’s interaction with the operating system since the hardware (monitor, data on the hard disk, etc.) does not have to be addressed directly. As far as the Internet is concerned, Web APIs are at the forefront and also serve as an interface to enable the use of existing third-party features. Since the days of Web 2.0, the term API has been mentioned more and more in connection with the Internet. A web API is an interface for web pages and applications. It is used in the exchange and processing of content between websites and allows third parties to access data groups and user circles.

Google search engine provides many APIs as part of its services. This allows other websites to pass Google services directly to their visitors without the need to retrieve the website from Google. But obviously, Google APIs are not the only search APIs that exist in the market. Within the vast and extensive world of the internet, there are many search APIs, waiting to be found and one of them is your search API.

But as we said before, the internet is very extensive and many times, these APIs are “hidden” and that is why Google takes all the clients. But that won’t happen anymore, all thanks to Zyla API Hub, a system that promises to bring your API out of the dark and make it much better known!

Sell your Search API on this marketplace!

Zyla API Hub has the mission of avoiding the monopolies of companies that provide APIs like Google for example. Google takes advantage of the fact that most of the APIs are unknown and takes all the clients. For this reason, this company decided to “re-activate” those dormant APIs and give them the opportunity to grow. In your particular case, your Search API will undergo a process to give it more visibility. First, a website will be created, so that people know where to find more information about the product. And then, digital advertising will begin.

Digital advertising is characterized by promoting and disseminating a product or service on digital platforms and with digital media. The type of digital advertising will always depend on the marketing strategy of the project. Each type of digital advertising is more effective in specific segments and the correct use of them can cause a better impact. Zyla API Hub has some blogs on the internet, in which articles will be created using SEO strategies. Thanks to this type of content, your search API will become more and more famous and you will be able to get clients.

The price for these services is something that we cannot tell you, since it will depend on multiple factors. We recommend that you contact Zyla API Hub and request a quote for your Search API.

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