Do You Want To Get A Company’s Data From An API With Just Its URL?
3 min readApr 19, 2023

In today’s digital age, businesses are generating and accumulating vast amounts of data. Accessing and utilizing this data can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. However, with the rise of APIs or Application Programming Interfaces, developers can easily access and retrieve data from various sources with just a few lines of code. This technology commonly known as Company Data URL API allows businesses to obtain a company’s data by providing its URL.

What Is Company Data URL API?

One of the biggest advantages of using a Company Data URL API is that it saves time and money. With just a company’s URL, the API can extract various data points such as company name, industry, size, location, revenue, and more. This data can be used to create market research reports, identify potential clients, or gain insights into competitors, all of which can save businesses significant time and money.

Another advantage of using a Company Data API is its accuracy. These APIs source their data from reliable sources such as official company websites and government registries, ensuring that the data retrieved is accurate and up-to-date. This is important for businesses that rely on data to make decisions, as inaccurate or outdated data can lead to incorrect conclusions and costly mistakes.

These tools are also beneficial for businesses looking to personalize their marketing efforts. By accessing a company’s data, businesses can tailor their marketing campaigns to a specific industry or location, improving the chances of success. Additionally, these APIs can help businesses identify potential clients and partners by providing them with information about the company’s size, location, and revenue.

In conclusion, a Company Data URL API is a useful tool for businesses of all sizes. Its ability to retrieve accurate and up-to-date data from a company’s URL, along with its ability to save time and money, make it an attractive option for businesses looking to gain insights into their industry, competitors, and potential clients.

Check Klazify For A Company Data URL API

Klazify’s cutting-edge technology is incredibly accurate, efficiently categorizing a company’s industry into one of 385 potential topic categories through its website classification API. The classification taxonomy is based on the IAB V2 standard, which provides a solid foundation for various applications such as 1–1 personalization, marketing segmentation, and internet blocking, in addition to its precision. Furthermore, with the same API query, the latest logo of any company can be extracted instantly from any website, URL, or IP address.

Company Information API Endpoint

Klazify returns the website’s category information when you enter a URL. The API analyzes the company’s website and categorizes it into 385+ probable topic categories (the taxonomy for classification is based on the IAB V2 standard).

For example, here below, you can find a response to the URL ( endpoint Company API.

"domain": {
"domain_url": ""
"success": true,
"objects": {
"company": {
"name": "Xiaomi",
"city": null,
"stateCode": null,
"countryCode": "CN",
"employeesRange": "10K-50K",
"revenue": 291490000000,
"raised": null,
"tags": [
"Consumer Electronics",
"Computer Hardware",

How To Start Using Klazify?

  • First, go to and subscribe.
  • Then, every user gets a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access the API endpoint.
  • Finally, chose the endpoint that you need and press “Run”, and that’s it!

Want to learn more about this? Go check How Can An API Help You Easily Classify Website Content?

Originally published at

