Easy API monetization with API marketplaces

3 min readJul 7, 2022

Do you want to monetize your API but you don’t know how to? Try an API Marketplace!

These days you can’t just make a good product and expect people to find it and buy it just like that. The reality is that a monetization strategy is a necessity.

Any corporation no matter if they are big or small needs a good API strategy. We can’t deny how APIs grew in these times. In the past 10 years they turned into the heart of modern technology.

They are how computer programs “talk” to each other and they send and request information this way.

Diferencias entre un ecommerce y un marketplace

APIs expose data to other applications. There are a lot of different types of APIs that can be divided in categories depending on the information they can collect, for example: Data, Weather, Music, IP geolocation, flight data, sports etc.

You can find a lot of ways to monetize them. The most recommended are normally making a website, using an API Markerplace or making an API portal.

However, we can’t deny that the easiest is using an API marketplace.

What’s an API marketplace?

You might’ve heard of an e-commerce website. Just like the Amazon Marketplace where you can publish items to sell and they’ll be shown to potential buyers, just like that is how an API marketplace works.

Basically an API marketplace is a website where you can buy or sell your own APIs. It’s an easy way that doesn’t take any effort time or money.

All you need to do is post the API there and they’ll handle the rest.

If you’re trying to find good API marketplaces you should try:

Zyla API Hub

This market is well known and popular. It makes it simple for developers to monetize the APIs, and the market itself makes recommendations based on other factors like as supply and demand. A further distinguishing feature of the industry is the presence of customer care and attention, which enables greater follow-up, feedback, and sales retention. We could provide you more information, but we advise you to watch the talk instead because it is quite insightful.

If you want to publish your API in the Zyla API Hub marketplace, all you need to do is click on https://zylalabs.com/api-marketplace and go to developer and then “Add new API”.


This marketplace enables API designs to be modified so they correspond to the firms’ branding. Customers can read forums and compare various goods before choosing an API. Developers can experience development, testing, and monitoring as one seamless process with the help of this API. This marketplace offers free but constrained membership plans in addition to its own, high-quality APIs.


More than a million developers utilize this API marketplace. It shines out in terms of tools like management and marketing, which let you swiftly promote your API. The ability to create new APIs by altering current APIs is a really unique feature. Additionally, Rakuten manages user billing and payments. You can select a plan based on your needs, and it is totally free.

Originally published at TheStartupFounder.com.

