Email Campaigns: Types and Features
3 min readMar 5, 2022

Learning and being proficient in Email marketing tools has never been easier. Read the article and get the best of it!

What Is an Email Campaign?

Email campaigns are a type of marketing tools that involves sending emails to people who have signed up for your email list. Any email that you send out with a goal in mind (clicking on an email, reading something, buying something) is an example of an email campaign.

Types of Email Campaigns

  • Transactional email campaigns: These include the emails you receive after making a purchase or signing up for a service. They usually contain information about shipping times, product delivery updates, and account creation information.
  • Bulk Emails: Bulk emails are messages that are sent out to large groups of users at the same time and usually include promotional content or content meant to be informative in some way. These can include newsletters, company announcements, advertising campaigns, and more.
  • Targeted Email Campaigns: Targeted email campaigns are similar to bulk emails. The difference is that they target just a specific segment of the email list. This could mean sending out product information to customers who have purchased similar items in the past or advertisements for products based on their search history on your website.
  • Marketing (newsletter): This type of email campaign is used to promote new content or products to your readership by providing them with regular updates about your business.
  • New product/feature announcements: This type of email campaign is designed to let customers know about product updates or new features that might be useful to them.


Sending emails is the most effective technique to attract new possible clients and to reach customer engagement. The main aim of this type of online marketing is to encourage old and possible users to purchase the products or services advertised in the emails sent. Besides, those mails look for establishing a one to one relationship with them. Among its benefits, email marketing is cost-effective, reliable, and consistent. In this technological era, people are in constant touch with their phones, tablets, and also their computers. So, they aren’t likely to miss your message, and if they do, they can easily go back and see it later.

Poster’s Benefits:

  • It is cheap
  • Increases customer loyalty
  • Increases the customer lifetime value
  • Allows you to connect with your customers more
  • Works well for encouraging small-scale purchases
  • More revenue for your company


How To Convert Customer Connections Into Sales? —

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