Find A Company URL Using Machine Learning For Google Sheets
2 min readSep 6, 2021


If you are looking for the best way to integrate a series of URLs into a Google Sheet, you first have to find an API that gives results as quickly as possible, that is, that uses Machine Learning.

Putting information together in an orderly way in Google Sheets can greatly improve the way you work. You will only need to copy one of your searches on Klazify for free and open a Google Sheet.

Once you’ve adjusted the search terms and the pages on which it will happen, you only need to change a few settings in the Google Sheet. First, you must copy the Klazify link to the sheet and then open the Tools tab.

Within tools you have to enter Tools you have to enter Scrip Editor and copy the following code.

function FETCH(url) {

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);


var out = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

return out[0][“domain”];}

This way you install Fetch on your Sheet and directly take the domain from the classification API of your choice. In this case, being Klazify.

Now you will have in an automated way all the URLs you want for free in your Google Sheet. In this case, it is one of the most comfortable and used in recent years: Klazify.

How Does Klazify Work

Klazify will navigate to the requested domain name or URL. Then it collects its content and determines appropriate categorizations based on a classification taxonomy. This can be used for 1–1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and more. The end result is that the URL or domain can now be placed in a specific category.

Domain categorization

Klazify‘s categorization is useful for internet filtering and security apps, and it’s entirely free. They support almost every language spoken on the earth, as well as all domains that are available.

When a publisher builds a Google Ads campaign that only appears on specific websites, Google uses IAB classification to determine which category a domain belongs to. The Klazify category is applied to all advertising websites on the internet.

Originally published at

