Find Similar Domains Based On A Category Using This API
3 min readApr 18, 2023

When it comes to creating a new website, finding a domain name that fits your brand and is easy to remember can be a challenge. But what if you could easily find similar domain names that are already registered but available for purchase? That’s where an API For Data Collection comes in. Keep reading, we will share some info about this with you and recommend you a high-quality option.

An API For Data Collection Is A Necessary Investment

Using an API For Data Collection, you can input a category or keyword and receive a list of similar domain names that are currently available for purchase. This can be extremely helpful for businesses looking to expand their online presence or for individuals looking to start a new website.

One of the main advantages of using these kinds of APIs is that it saves you time and effort in manually searching for domain names. Instead of brainstorming potential domain names and checking if they’re available, you can simply input a category or keyword and receive a list of suggestions that are already available for purchase.

In addition, using an API For Data Collection can help you find domain names that you may not have considered otherwise. These APIs use machine learning algorithms to analyze website content, metadata, and other factors to suggest similar domains. This means that you may find a domain name that perfectly fits your brand but may not have been on your radar initially.

Another benefit of using these Saas is that it can help you stay competitive in your industry. By finding similar domain names that your competitors are using, you can better understand the online landscape and make informed decisions about your own online strategy.

Overall, finding similar domains based on a category using APIs can be incredibly useful for anyone looking to start a new website or expand their online presence. By saving time and effort in finding available domain names and providing suggestions that you may not have considered otherwise, APIs For Data Collection can help you stay competitive in your industry and find the perfect domain name for your brand.

Check Klazify: The Best API For Data Collection

In terms of precision, the present Klazify technology is unparalleled. A company’s industry can be accurately and conveniently categorized under one of 385 available topic categories by using the categorization API on our website. The IAB V2 standard, which the categorization taxonomy is based on, as well as the fact that it may be used for 1–1 personalization, marketing segmentation, internet blocking, and other purposes, are two additional advantages of this endeavor. From any website, URL, or IP address, the same API query may be helpful for rapidly extracting the most recent logo for any organization.

Company Information Endpoint

Klazify returns the website’s category information when you enter a URL. The API analyzes the company’s website and categorizes it into 385+ probable topic categories (the taxonomy for classification is based on the IAB V2 standard).

For example, here below, you can find a response to the URL ( endpoint Company API.

"domain": {
"domain_url": ""
"success": true,
"objects": {
"company": {
"name": "Xiaomi",
"city": null,
"stateCode": null,
"countryCode": "CN",
"employeesRange": "10K-50K",
"revenue": 291490000000,
"raised": null,
"tags": [
"Consumer Electronics",
"Computer Hardware",

How To Start Using Klazify?

  • First, go to and subscribe.
  • Then, every user gets a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access the API endpoint.
  • Finally, chose the endpoint that you need and press “Run”, and that’s it!

Want to learn more about this? Go check How Can An API Help You Easily Classify Website Content?

Originally published at

